07 Feb 2023 07:30 CET


Otovo ASA

On December 21st 2022 Otovo announced that Otovo had agreed to sell its 34%
stake in Holu to Gera Brasil Tecnologia Ltda. (Gera), the majority shareholder
of the associated company.

The contract was signed on February 2nd 2023, and the sale closed on February
3rd. The price obtained is equal to the capital injected since 2019, plus an
additional 5 percent premium, which with prevailing exchange rates adds up to
NOK 24 million (EUR 2.2 million). Otovo accounted for Holu as an associated
company under the equity method and expects to report a gain on disposal of
associated company of approximately NOK 17 million. The final number is pending
completion of the Financial Statements of Holu for 2022 as well as the financial
results of Holu in the period from 1 January 2023 until closing.

The positive cash effect is NOK 24 million for Q1 2023.

The sale concludes the phase in which Otovo are owners in Holu, but the company
remains a partner for Otovo and continues as a software customer.


About Otovo: For homeowners, Otovo is the easiest way to get solar panels on the
roof, and batteries in the home. Otovo is a marketplace that organises hundreds
of local, vetted, high quality energy installers. The company uses its
proprietary technology to analyse the potential of any home and finds the best
price and installer for customers based on an automatic bidding process between
available installers.

Follow us on investor.otovo.com for reports, financial calendar, contact details
and more.


Otovo ASA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

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Euronext Growth