06 Feb 2023 16:35 CET

Finanstilsynet has reviewed certain matters related to the financial reporting
of Sparebanken Øst Boligkreditt AS ("The entity").

Related to the enity's 2021 annual financial statement, Finanstilsynet's
interaction included several matters related to whether it's classification and
presentation in the statement of cash flows were in compliance with IAS 7
Statement of cash flows, as well as comparing it's disclosures related to risk,
risk management and collateral to requirements in IFRS 7 Financial insturments –
disclosures. In addition, Finanstilsynet pointed out that the entity's omission
of preparing and publishing a separate interim report for 4. quarter 2021, is in
violation of specific provisions set by regulation.

Sparebanken Øst Boligkreditt AS will prepare and publish a separate interim
report for 4th quarter 2022. In its financial reporting for that period and
onwards the entity will make considerable changes to it's classification and
presentation of cash flows, and include a presentation of restated comparatives
in accordance with IAS 8 Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates
and errors. Furthermore, the entity will make certain improvements to its

If you have any questions, please contact:
Lars Jacob Braarud, Head of section, +47 22 93 97 53/+47 91 34 52 73 (mobile).

581474_Kontroll av finansiell rapportering Sparebanken Ost Boligkreditt AS.pdf




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