06 Feb 2023 08:00 CET


Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA

Norwegian headed into the new year with a strong sales campaign, 1.1 million
passengers and a load factor of 78 percent in what is historically the quietest
travel month of the year.

In January, Norwegian had 1.1 million passengers, an increase of 78 percent from
this month last year.

“People traditionally travel less in January, instead using this time of year to
book their next travels. Nevertheless, we had close to full flights to warmer
destinations this month. Our New Year’s sales campaign resulted in more than one
million sold seats, a satisfying start to this year’s ticket sales. We see that
the positive booking trend continues also after this sale. Many of our
passengers are currently planning their travels for this year’s school breaks
and long weekends in May”, said Geir Karlsen, CEO of Norwegian.

This year’s summer program comprises 300 routes to 114 destinations, including
several new destinations. With an expanded route network and new aircraft,
Norwegian continues to recruit new colleagues.

“The past week has been very particular for the Nordic aviation sector, marked
by Flyr’s bankruptcy. I strongly sympathise with the employees, customers and
others affected by the situation. We would like to make sure stranded passengers
reach their destinations, provided we have free seats available. We also invite
employees that have been affected by the bankruptcy to apply to job vacancies at
Norwegian”, said Karlsen.

Norwegian had 1,131,474 passengers in January, up 78 percent from January 2022.
The load factor in January was 78 percent. The capacity (ASK) was 1,870 million
seat kilometres, while actual passenger traffic (RPK) was 1,453 million seat
kilometres. Unit revenue (RASK) is estimated at NOK 0.45, while unit revenue
including flight related ancillary revenue is estimated at NOK 0.56. In January,
Norwegian operated an average of 62 aircraft and 99.5 percent of the scheduled
flights were completed. Punctuality, as measured by the number of flights
departing within 15 minutes of scheduled time, was at 85.0 percent in January.

See detailed traffic figures in the attached PDF.

For further information, please contact:
Jesper M. Hatletveit, Investor Relations at Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA Tel: +47
906 64 401

Fornebu, 6 February 2023
Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA

This information is considered to be inside information pursuant to the EU
Market Abuse Regulation and is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant
to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. This stock exchange
announcement was published by Jesper M. Hatletveit, VP Investor Relations at
Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA, on 6 February 2023 at 08:00 CET.

581398_Traffic report January 2023.pdf


Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA


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