01 Feb 2023 19:27 CET


Astrocast SA

LAUSANNE, Switzerland, 1 February 2023 – Astrocast

Option holders under Astrocast SA (ASTRO) incentive program have exercised a
total of 99,793 options during the exercise window of January 2023. These shares
will be transferred from the company’s treasury shares.
Jan Eyvin Wang, member of the board of directors of, has exercised 50,000
options granted on 26 January 2022. The exercise price for the share options is
CHF 0.01.
Following the transaction Jan Eyvin Wang owns a total of 100,000 shares and no
more share options in Astrocast SA.
A primary insider notification pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation
Article 19 is attached.

For more information, please contact
Kjell Karlsen, Chief Financial Officer

About Astrocast

Astrocast SA operates a leading global nanosatellite IoT network, offering
services in industries such as Agriculture & Livestock, Maritime, Environment &
Utilities to name a few. The Astrocast network enables companies to monitor,
track, and communicate with remote assets from anywhere in the world. It relies
on superior L-band spectrum through a strategic alliance with Thuraya. In
partnership with Airbus, CEA/LETI and ESA, Astrocast developed Astronode S, an
ultra-low power and miniaturised module compatible with inexpensive L-band patch
Founded in 2014 by a renowned team of experts, Astrocast develops and
tests all its products in-house, from the satellites to the modules. Astrocast
is listed on Euronext Growth Oslo.
For more information visit www.astrocast.com.

This information is notifiable pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation
article 19 and is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section
5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

581170_2023.01.27 Notification of Trade - Jan Eyvin Wang.pdf


Astrocast SA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name







Euronext Growth