01 Feb 2023 09:39 CET



SANDNES, Norway 1 February 2023 – Horisont Energi (EURONEXT: HRGI) today
announces a cooperation agreement with Fertiberia, a leading producer of
ammonia, for the realization of Europe’s largest clean ammonia production plant:
the Barents Blue project located in Finnmark, in the Northern Norway.

Fertiberia is one of the main crop nutrition and environmental solutions
providers in the European Union and one of the leading companies in Spain and
Portugal. Fertiberia is the first major company in the sector to commit to being
carbon neutral in the next decade and it strengthens its position in the
development of products with a high added value. The company, present in several
sectors, has been a permanent reference for Spanish agriculture, one of the most
advanced in the world.

“We are proud to announce the cooperation agreement with Fertiberia providing
significant experience and competence in developing green ammonia projects on
industrial scale. Fertiberia and Horisont Energi share the ambition of
accelerating the transition to carbon neutrality through pioneering projects.
Equinor and Vår Energi have been instrumental in maturing the project in the
development phase ending 31 January. We look forward to work with Fertiberia to
realize the project and hence contribute to the decarbonization of European
industry and transportation,” says Bjørgulf Haukelidsæter Eidesen, CEO of
Horisont Energi.

Horisont Energi and Fertiberia have entered into a cooperation agreement for the
development of the Barents Blue project aiming at a full partnership agreement
from 1 April 2023. Equinor and Vår Energi discontinue their participating
interests in the project. The partnership change will take effect as of 31
January 2023. Fertiberia and Horisont Energi will hold 50% and 50% respectively
after the partnership agreement.

"Our integration in this project is highly synergetic: we bring our experience
as a European leader in sustainable crop nutrition to Barents Blue, with more
than five decades of cumulated knowhow in the design, maintenance and operation
of ammonia plants and with valuable expertise in the management of ammonia
supply chains. Fertiberia was the first large company in the crop nutrition
sector to manufacture CO2-free ammonia and crop nutrition solutions on an
industrial scale in Europe. Being part of the Barents Blue project is a new
opportunity for Fertiberia to accelerate our transformation and growth process
in the production of clean ammonia, extend its uses to new areas such as
transport and energy and become the first company in our sector to achieve
carbon neutrality by 2035," according to Javier Goñi, CEO of Grupo Fertiberia.

The Barents Blue project is Europe's largest clean ammonia production plant
located in Finnmark, in Northern Norway. Once the first train is operational,
Barents Blue is planned to produce 1 million tonnes of clean ammonia and it will
be the most energy efficient blue ammonia plant in the world with best-in-class
carbon footprint and well aligned with the EU taxonomy.

The Barents Blue project is supported by a grant of NOK 482 million under the EU
IPCEI hydrogen program, which is not affected by the changes in the partner
consortium. The IPCEI award confirms the big potential and innovative nature of
the Barents Blue project.

Equinor remains positive to explore gas supply solutions to the Barents Blue
project from Melkøya following the changes in the partner consortium. Horisont
Energi will invite new partners into the Polaris CO2 storage licence, including
a qualified operator. A new licence group will bring the project forward to a
submission of plan for development. The changes in the licence group will be
coordinated with relevant authorities.

For more information, please contact:
Horisont Energi
Bjørgulf Haukelidsæter Eidesen, CEO
+47 990 36 892

Dan Jarle Flølo, CFO
+47 901 13 159

Siri Melberg, Head of communication

+47 470 35 718

Rocío Domínguez Ruiz de Castro, Head of communication
+34 915 866 200

About Horisont Energi
Horisont Energi (EURONEXT: HRGI) is a Norwegian clean energy company that
provides clean energy and carbon transport and storage services. The company
will transform natural and renewable gases, water and renewable energy into
cost-leading clean ammonia and hydrogen and offer CO2 transportation and storage
services using proprietary technology, paving the way for a low carbon economy.
The company was founded in 2019 with the head office is in Sandnes, Norway.

About Fertiberia
Fertiberia has more than 1.600 employees and 14 industrial activity locations
spread throughout the Iberian Peninsula and France. The company's vision is to
lead the green hydrogen value chain of the future in Europe to decarbonize
agriculture and other sectors such as industry or transport, as well as to
continue leading the development of sustainable and high added value solutions
for crop nutrition. It is also the first company in its sector to commit to
achieving net zero emissions by 2035. The company belongs to Triton Partners,
which is driving its growth to make this Spanish company a leader in the
fertilization of the future, enabling farmers to obtain higher yields with
maximum environmental sustainability.

581104_010223_Fertiberia to partner Barents Blue_FINAL.pdf


Fertiberia Corporate S.L.U.


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Company Name

Global Agrajes, S. 20/25 FRN EUR FLOOR C




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