31 Jan 2023 18:58 CET


Flyr AS

Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement made by Flyr AS ("Flyr" or
the "Company") on 30 January 2023 regarding the unsuccessful attempt to raise
capital and the critical short term liquidity situation.

The board of directors of the Company (the "Board") has today decided to file
for bankruptcy at Oslo city court, and will file for bankruptcy tomorrow, 1
February 2023. The board's decision is unanimous and is due to the fact that
there is no longer a realistic opportunity to achieve a solution for the short
-term liquidity situation.

All departures and ticket sales have as a consequence been cancelled and ticket
sales discontinued.

The Company will provide further information regarding the bankruptcy
proceedings when the bankruptcy trustee has been appointed.

Since the Company will file for bankruptcy, the Company will request that
further trading on Euronext Growth Oslo is suspended.

Questions regarding the further bankruptcy proceedings should be addressed to
the bankruptcy trustee when appointed by the Oslo city court.

This information is considered to be inside information pursuant to the EU
Market Abuse Regulation and is subject to the disclosure requirements according
to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. The information was
prepared by Brede Huser, CEO at Flyr AS, on the time and date provided.


Flyr AS


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name







Euronext Growth