31 Jan 2023 18:06 CET


Cambi ASA

Asker, Norway, 31 January 2023

Reference is made to the notice issued on 20 January 2023, where Cambi ASA
initiated a share buyback program for up to 712,035 shares to be used as part of
the company’s employee incentive program.

Cambi reports the following transaction overview under the buyback program since
its commencement:

|Transaction Date |Aggregate daily |Weighted average|Daily transactions |
| |volume (# of |share price(NOK)|value (NOK total) |
| |shares) | | |
|23.01.2023 | 8,446 | 5.96 | 50,320 |
|24.01.2023 | 4,611 | 5.87 | 27,044 |
|25.01.2023 | 4,752 | 5.96 | 28,337 |
|26.01.2023 | 989 | 6.00 | 5,934 |
|27.01.2023 | 437 | 6.00 | 2,622 |
|Total buyback in the | 19,235 | 5.94 | 114,266 |
|period 20-31 January | | | |

At the outset of the share buyback program, Cambi owned 10,870 own shares.
Following the completion of the above transactions, it owns 30,105 own shares,
corresponding to 0.02% of its total share capital.

An overview of all the completed transactions under the program for the dates
specified above is attached to this notification and available on Newsweb and
Cambi’s website.

Cambi makes this information public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation
and the disclosure requirements of Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities
Trading Act.

For more information, please contact:
Mats Tristan Tjemsland, CFO, +47 920 67 094, mats.tjemsland@cambi.com

About Cambi:

Cambi is a global biogas technology and solutions supplier for wastewater
treatment plants and anaerobic digestion facilities. Since 1992, Cambi has
retained market leadership through continuous innovation and a robust portfolio
of proven and patented technologies. With strong project delivery and customer
support capabilities, the company has delivered many well-performing
installations in 26 countries on six continents.

Cambi is listed on Euronext Growth Oslo, a multilateral trading facility part of
Euronext, the largest stock exchange platform in Europe. Find out more at

581072_2023.01.31 - Press Release - Cambi ASA - Status update for the ongoing share buyback program.pdf
581072_2023.01.31 - CAMBI shares buyback trade log.pdf


Cambi ASA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name







Euronext Growth