17 Jan 2023 16:35 CET

Finanstilsynet has reviewed certain matters in the financial reporting of
Aurskog Sparebank (the company). The review included the incomplete presentation
of other comprehensive income in the interim financial statements for the first
and second quarter of 2022. The company published corrected interim reports for
these two quarters on 14 October 2022.

The review furthermore comprised expenses and related disclosures in the annual
financial statements for 2021 related to the future replacement of the company's
core banking software. Finanstilsynet takes note that the company will correct
the identified errors and missing disclosures in the annual financial statements
for 2022. The control also identified certain deficiencies in disclosures about
categories of financial instruments according to IFRS 7 Financial instruments –
disclosures and in the company's preparation of the annual financial statements
for 2021 in ESEF-format.

Other matters comprised of the control were the valuation of investment in
shares and the disclosures about company's operating segments. Finanstilsynet
takes note of the company's explanations.

Finanstilsynet´s letter is available in Norwegian only.

If you have any questions, please contact: Head of section, Lars Jacob Braarud,
+47 22 93 97 53/+47 913 45 273 (mobile).

580286_Kontroll av finansiell rapportering Aurskog Sparebank.pdf




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