17 Jan 2023 14:47 CET


Kongsberg Gruppen ASA

KONGSBERG has mandated DNB Markets to purchase shares with a value up to MNOK
320. Pursuant to the mandate agreement, DNB Markets will start the purchasing of
shares on or about 30 March 2023 and until 15 June 2023 (unless the period is
extended due to regulatory reasons). The total amount will be determined based
on the total commitment from the employees but will not exceed MNOK 320. The
shares will be transferred to the employees who have chosen to participate in
the program immediately after the purchase has been completed. DNB Markets will
make its own decisions related to the purchase of the shares independently of,
and without influence from the company with regard to the timing of purchase.

The power of attorney to acquire own shares was granted to the company by the
Annual General Meeting on 11 May 2022. The power of attorney states that states
that the purchase of own shares must be done at a price between NOK 50 and NOK
600 per share. The maximum number of shares that may be acquired is 7,000,000.
The shares will be acquired in accordance with current securities legislation
and the Oslo Stock Exchange regulations.

Reference is also made to the signed minutes from the company’s annual general
meeting on 11 May 2022, available at www.kongsberg.com as well as on

This information is subject to disclosure requirements pursuant to §5-12 of the
Norwegian Securities Trading Act.


Kongsberg Gruppen ASA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

KONGSBERG GRUPPEN, Kongsberg Gruppen ASA 16/26 3,20%, Kongsberg Gruppen ASA 16/23 2,90%, Kongsberg Gruppen ASA 18/24 FRN, Kongsberg Gruppen ASA 21/26 FRN


NO0003043309, NO0010766512, NO0010779788, NO0010837602, NO0010940422




Oslo Børs