13 Jan 2023 09:26 CET

Kistefos AS (“Kistefos”) has completed a new senior unsecured bond issue of NOK
750 million with an expected maturity date on 26 July, 2027. An application will
be made for the bonds to be listed on Nordic ABM. The net proceeds from the bond
issue will be used to call the remaining net outstanding amount of “KIST06 PRO”
(ISIN NO0010850654) and for general corporate purposes.

Concurrently with the new bond issue, Kistefos has repurchased approximately NOK
150 million in the outstanding bond issue "KIST07 PRO" and approximately NOK
14.7 million in the outstanding bond issue “KIST06 PRO”.

ABG Sundal Collier, Arctic Securities and DNB Markets acted as Joint Lead
Managers in connection with the placement of the new bond issue.




Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

Kistefos AS 19/23 FRN, Kistefos AS 20/24 FRN FLOOR C, Kistefos AS 20/25 FRN FLOOR C, Kistefos AS 22/26 FRN FLOOR C


NO0010850654, NO0010892136, NO0010911845, NO0012662362


Nordic Alternative Bond Market