12 Jan 2023 23:56 CET


Energeia AS

Oslo, 12 January 2023: Reference is made to the stock exchange announcements by
Energeia AS (“Energeia” or the “Company”) on 11 January 2023 where the Company
announced the end of the stabilization period following the private placement of
new shares in the Company (the “Private Placement”) and the subsequent admission
to trading on Euronext Growth Oslo, as well as the correction notice of 12
January 2023.

During the stabilization period, Fearnley Securities AS, as stabilization
manager, (the "Stabilization Manager") purchased a total of 2,000,000 shares in
the Company as part of the stabilization activities.

In order for the Stabilization Manager to permit redelivery of the 3,669,441
shares in the Company that were borrowed from Jakobsen Energia AS (a company
controlled by the Company’s CEO Viktor Jakobsen) and over-allotted in the
Private Placement, the Stabilization Manager has in part exercised the option to
subscribe for new shares in the Company at a price of NOK 2.475 (the “Greenshoe

On this basis, the Board of Directors of the Company has today resolved to
increase the share capital of the Company with NOK 33,388.82 by the issuance of
1,669,441 new shares, each with a nominal value of NOK 0.02, pursuant to the
board authorization issued by the extraordinary general meeting on 2 December
2022 and registered with the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises (Norw.
Foretaksregisteret) on 5 December 2022. The new shares were subscribed by, and
will be delivered to, the Stabilization Manager.

Following registration of the share capital increase in the Norwegian Register
of Business Enterprises (Norw. Foretaksregisteret), the Company's share capital
will be NOK 2,384,306.24 divided into 119,215,312 shares with a nominal value of
NOK 0.02 each.

Contact persons:
CEO, Viktor Jakobsen, email: viktor@energeia.no and telephone: +47 916 11 009
Deputy CEO, Jarl Egil Markussen, email: jarl@energeia.no and telephone: +47 480
23 214

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section
5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.


Energeia AS


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name







Euronext Growth