12 Jan 2023 16:38 CET

On 12 January 2023, the Oslo Stock Exchange resolved to impose a violation
charge on Endur ASA of NOK 200,000 for breach of the duty to disclose inside
information. The Oslo Stock Exchange has passed the following resolution:

“For breach of the duty to disclose inside information, a violation charge of
NOK 200,000 is imposed on Endur ASA, cf. MAR article 17 no. 1, cf. the Oslo
Stock Exchange Rule Book Part II section, and cf. the Securities Trading
Act section 21-1 (5), cf. section 19-1 (3), cf. the Securities Trading
Regulation section 17-1.

A brief summary of the case:

After close of trading hours on 31 August 2021, Endur ASA published that the
company was in breach of a covenant pursuant to a loan agreement. It is the Oslo
Stock Exchange’s opinion that the covenant breach was inside information at the
latest on 30 August 2021, and that inside information thus was not published
timely. One trading day passed from the time inside information at the latest
was present, and until the matter was published. The duration can be a
mitigating circumstance. However, it is an aggravating circumstance that the
company did not have better routines and procedures to uncover the matter
itself, especially in light of the fact that the loan agreement was executed
earlier that same year. When determining the size of the violation charge, the
Oslo Stock Exchange’s case handling time has been an especially mitigating
factor. Based on an overall assessment, the Oslo Stock Exchange has decided that
the violation charge shall be NOK 200,000, which under the Oslo Stock Exchange’s
previous rules on violation charge would approximately constitute the company’s
annual listing fee.


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