11 Jan 2023 07:28 CET


Veidekke ASA

Veidekke has signed a contract with Statnett SF for the rehabilitation of their
administration building at Sunndalsøra in Sunndal municipality. The commission
is a design and build contract and the contract sum is just above NOK 125
million excluding VAT.

Statnett and Veidekke have completed an interaction phase to develop the project
that now has been forwarded to execution. The administration building at
Sunndalsøra is around 3,300 m[2] in size and has been developed in five
construction stages in the period from 1978 to 2008. Both building and technical
standards are from the relevant years of construction, with some minor upgrades
along the way.

The building's technical standard fails to meet current regulatory requirements,
including requirements to energy efficiency, air quality, universal design and
external security measures. Furthermore, space efficiency and flexibility in the
building is considered to be low as a result of the building's staggered
construction stages and extensive use of cubicles. Surfaces, windows and roofing
are characterised by wear and have significantly exceeded their life expectancy.

The buildings will be redeveloped such that they meet Statnett's future needs,
and will be completely renovated to meet current requirements and standards (TEK

Construction starts in February and is scheduled for completion in mid-2024. The
commission is included in Veidekke's order book for the fourth quarter of 2022.

For further information, please contact:
District Manager Stig Mork of Veidekke Bygg Møre og Romsdal, tel. +47 90 54 26
26, stig.mork@veidekke.no
Head of Department Paul Hjelset of Veidekke Bygg Nordmøre og Romsdal, tel. +47
91 54 60 19, paul.hjelset@veidekke.no
Communications Manager Helge Dieset, Veidekke, tel. +47 90 55 33 22,

Veidekke's press photos (https://veidekke.fotoware.cloud/fotoweb/archives/5028
Subscribe to messages from
Veidekke (http://veidekke.com/no/borsmeldinger/abonner-pa-meldinger/)

Veidekke is one of Scandinavia's largest construction companies. The company
undertakes all types of construction and civil engineering contracts, maintains
roads, and produces asphalt and aggregates. Veidekke emphasises stakeholder
involvement and local experience. Its annual turnover is approximately NOK 38
billion, and half of its 7,800 employees own shares in the company. Veidekke is
listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange and has posted a profit every year since its
inception in 1936.


Veidekke ASA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

VEIDEKKE, Veidekke ASA 18/25 3,20%


NO0005806802, NO0010819261




Oslo Børs