11 Jan 2023 14:00 CET


NEXT Biometrics Group ASA

Oslo, January 11, 2023 - NEXT Biometrics (Oslo Bors: NEXT), NEXT summarises
2022, winning in total 12 new customer products, with three new design-wins in
quarter four.

NEXT started to communicate its traction related to customers' designing in NEXT
Biometrics Active Thermal fingerprint sensors during 2020 and has a stated
ambition to add one design-win per month. Three new design wins were added
during quarter four, summarising 36 customer products in total and on target for
year-end 2022. The newly added customers are all within NEXT's defined market
segments. The three design wins are new customers based in India, Belgium, and
Brazil, which illustrates the diversity in both customer segments and markets.

None of the latest three added design wins will have a significant impact on
short-term revenues during 2023. The customers will launch their products at
different times during the next 9-18 months. When all three customers are in
mass production, they anticipate volumes that correspond to approximately
400,000 USD/year in recurring revenues for NEXT. All of the three customers have
already selected NEXT Biometrics Active Thermal sensors and ordered smaller
pre-production volumes.

“We are pleased that our continued efforts resulted in winning three new
customers in our defined market segments during quarter four. We now have 36
design-wins in total by year-end. I believe this starts to set a solid
foundation for future revenue growth for NEXT.” Says Ulf Ritsvall, SVP of Sales
& Marketing.

Further guidance related to NEXTs Design win traction for 2023 will be
communicated during the company’s Q4 presentation that is scheduled to be held
on February 22, 2023. NEXT recent Insight blog explains more related to the
importance of Design wins and can be found @:

This information is considered to be inside information pursuant to the EU
Market Abuse Regulation and is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant
to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

About NEXT Biometrics
NEXT provides advanced fingerprint sensor technology that delivers uncompromised
security and accuracy for the best possible user experience in the smart card,
government ID, access control, and notebook markets. The company’s patented NEXT
Active Thermal principle allows the development of large, high-quality
fingerprint sensors in both rigid and flexible formats. NEXT Biometrics Group
ASA (www.nextbiometrics.com) is headquartered in Oslo, with sales, support, and
research and development in Seattle, Taipei, Bangalore, New Delhi, Tokyo, Dubai,
and Shanghai.

# # # # #

NEXT Investor contact:
Peter Heuman, peter.heuman@nextbiometrics.com
Eirik Underthun, Eirik.underthun@nextbiometrics.com

This stock exchange announcement was published by Eirik Underthun, CFO at NEXT
Biometrics Group ASA, on January 11, 2023 at 13:20 CET.


NEXT Biometrics Group ASA


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