10 Jan 2023 17:45 CET


SRP Groupe

La Plaine Saint Denis, January 10, 2023 – Showroomprivé (SRP Groupe), today publishes the half year achievement report on liquidity contract.

Pursuant to the liquidity contract granted by SRP GROUPE to ODDO BHF SCA, the following assets appeared on the liquidity account as of December 31st, 2021:

  • 169,128.45 euros

As a reminder, as of May 20th, 2019, the following resources were included in the liquidity account dedicated to the contract implementation:

  • 146,195 euros

Over the six-month period starting July 1st, 2022 and ending December 31st, 2022, the following transactions were executed:

  • 1,001 purchase transactions
  • 997 transactions sale transactions

Over the same period, the traded volumes were:

  • Purchase: 445,202 shares and 664,329.33 euros
  • Sale: 469,716 shares and 690,290.13 euros


Showroomprivé is an innovative European player in the online private sales industry, specialized in fashion. Showroomprivé offers a daily selection of more than 3000 brand partners via its mobile apps or website in France and six other countries. Since its launch in 2006, the company has enjoyed quick growth.

SRP Groupe is the holding company of Showroomprivé Group, and is listed on Euronext Paris (code: SRP). The Group reported gross revenue of almost €1 billion incl. VAT[1] in 2021, and net revenue of €724 million. The Group is headed by David Dayan, the co-founder, and employs over 950 people.

Pour plus d'information : https://showroomprivegroup.com


Showroomprivé Taddeo
Sylvie Chan Diaz, Relation Investisseurs +33 6 58 53 45 91
investor.relations@showroomprive.net presse.showroomprive@taddeo.fr


Date Number of purchase transactions Shares purchased Purchase price Number of sale transactions Shares sold Sale price
Total 1001 445202 664329,38 997 469716 690290,18
01/07/2022 1 1 1,25 2 2501 3126,25
04/07/2022 5 1821 2226,66 1 1 1,26
05/07/2022 10 4501 5435,76 1 1 1,26
06/07/2022 3 610 698,67 6 5001 5951,14
07/07/2022 1 1 1,22 1 1 1,22
08/07/2022 3 892 1048,15 2 2 2,38
11/07/2022 9 2501 2919,22 2 2 2,44
12/07/2022 3 501 576,16 8 5001 5951,16
13/07/2022 3 1001 1187,19 7 2590 3105,22
14/07/2022 4 1501 1778,7 6 5001 5950,14
15/07/2022 7 2001 2331,16 4 3294 3890,62
18/07/2022 1 1 1,17 11 12501 14921,17
19/07/2022 2 77 93,32 22 22122 28010,41
20/07/2022 2 1001 1351,32 16 11920 16105,83
21/07/2022 11 6001 7891,37 10 2001 2766,37
22/07/2022 3 1001 1288,29 9 6182 8090,65
25/07/2022 6 3001 4050,89 11 6001 8235,39
26/07/2022 18 6001 7944,37 1 1 1,37
27/07/2022 10 3501 4528,3 7 2822 3674,96
28/07/2022 9 3501 4291,75 3 1001 1222,25
29/07/2022 7 1801 2183,69 12 7501 9243,3
01/08/2022 6 2806 3437,64 3 1501 1891,26
02/08/2022 13 6196 7492,36 1 1 1,24
03/08/2022 3 1001 1176,19 18 9001 11026,19
04/08/2022 1 1 1,25 2 1501 1891,25
05/08/2022 1 1 1,25 7 3197 4031,99
08/08/2022 4 1301 1616,48 6 1947 2503,87
09/08/2022 2 501 616,26 6 3001 3761,76
10/08/2022 3 401 495,28 8 2254 2825,08
11/08/2022 5 1876 2344,63 7 1857 2334,81
12/08/2022 5 2001 2506,26 4 1001 1271,26
15/08/2022 3 2001 2526,27 17 3001 3841,27
16/08/2022 1 1 1,29 6 3001 3947,29
17/08/2022 24 9226 11480,41 5 1120 1439,27
18/08/2022 9 3001 3661,23 1 1 1,23
19/08/2022 4 1001 1211,21 3 1020 1238,47
22/08/2022 4 2001 2391,21 1 1 1,21
23/08/2022 1 1 1,17 5 1001 1183,25
24/08/2022 2 551 644,69 2 2 2,38
25/08/2022 6 1452 1708,88 5 1211 1440,09
26/08/2022 5 2001 2351,17 1 1 1,17
29/08/2022 7 3001 3451,17 5 1432 1651,13
30/08/2022 7 1901 2215,16 20 5670 6734,74
31/08/2022 14 8100 9466 7 5500 6461
01/09/2022 9 7001 7841,15 4 2001 2297,15
02/09/2022 7 983 1100,97 5 3001 3403,13
05/09/2022 3 1019 1131,28 6 1001 1128,34
06/09/2022 14 9001 9827,13 7 3100 3433
07/09/2022 11 6001 6390,08 4 213 234,28
08/09/2022 11 6001 6091,06 2 1001 1031,06
09/09/2022 1 1 1,02 13 6001 6271,23
12/09/2022 1 1 1,09 6 2789 3047,89
13/09/2022 4 1001 1101,11 6 3391 3805,71
14/09/2022 1 1 1,13 3 611 696,53
15/09/2022 3 16 18,08 2 1001 1141,13
16/09/2022 6 2986 3344,18 9 3501 4076,13
19/09/2022 16 2001 2329,17 9 3001 3541,17
20/09/2022 2 1001 1171,19 1 1 1,19
21/09/2022 2 1001 1161,2 2 1001 1191,2
22/09/2022 6 2001 2371,2 2 1001 1201,2
23/09/2022 21 7501 8758,7 3 1001 1196,2
26/09/2022 11 3001 3466,15 2 101 118,65
27/09/2022 1 1 1,17 15 7901 9456,67
28/09/2022 7 3001 3551,69 3 1418 1696,59
29/09/2022 7 3001 3556,21 2 584 703,72
30/09/2022 4 1501 1786,19 1 1 1,19
03/10/2022 2 1500 1785 14 7094 8697,82
04/10/2022 1 1 1,26 7 2807 3578,04
05/10/2022 16 7706 9594,48 1 1 1,28
06/10/2022 3 1296 1607,05 9 4001 5054,25
07/10/2022 2 83 107,47 12 5871 7686,62
10/10/2022 0 0 0 7 2011 2726,74
11/10/2022 1 1 1,38 8 4001 5666,38
12/10/2022 1 1 1,44 1 1 1,44
13/10/2022 6 2001 2818,42 2 1001 1431,42
14/10/2022 2 162 230,05 18 6501 9388,93
17/10/2022 2 201 291,47 11 5001 7469,58
18/10/2022 1 1 1,49 2 334 504,32
19/10/2022 10 4573 6708,02 10 4738 7199,48
20/10/2022 4 1023 1544,74 18 8931 13677,7
21/10/2022 22 12692 18825,01 17 8001 12291,51
24/10/2022 9 3001 4591,54 3 2001 3125,54
25/10/2022 11 4790 7202,6 13 6001 9221,57
26/10/2022 15 10211 15517,97 15 8029 12331,81
27/10/2022 7 5001 7386,49 7 3501 5390,41
28/10/2022 13 5351 8165,5 14 10321 16034,65
31/10/2022 5 3000 4790 13 9000 14408
01/11/2022 7 3769 6326,54 19 11000 18420
02/11/2022 18 6231 10415,46 10 4000 6698
03/11/2022 10 8550 14266,5 18 12000 20260
04/11/2022 16 9000 15130 19 7100 12003
07/11/2022 21 6767 11972,25 27 14475 25853,45
08/11/2022 17 7000 12690 18 9425 17297,75
09/11/2022 4 2000 3710 3 1000 1880
10/11/2022 3 1496 2797,52 3 1000 1890
11/11/2022 1 1 1,9 16 8001 15451,9
14/11/2022 8 4392 8653,22 3 1001 1991,99
15/11/2022 12 7036 13360,11 5 2007 3994,1
16/11/2022 34 22262 40780,52 1 1 1,9
17/11/2022 60 32501 54005,78 5 2001 3591,78
18/11/2022 0 0 0 7 5000 8047
21/11/2022 13 6075 9657 9 2070 3312,35
22/11/2022 24 19425 29457,84 4 1100 1711,5
23/11/2022 1 1 1,48 19 10901 16989,98
24/11/2022 3 1501 2326,58 3 1001 1596,58
25/11/2022 1 1 1,6 15 5931 9449,25
28/11/2022 14 4501 7029,09 6 2001 3151,59
29/11/2022 5 4501 7021,57 6 2001 3186,57
30/11/2022 2 1501 2401,6 21 7001 11312,6
01/12/2022 1 1 1,65 8 3022 4996,93
02/12/2022 1 1 1,65 28 16006 27618,65
05/12/2022 29 14001 23631,78 3 4 7,02
06/12/2022 17 9001 15101,73 6 1102 1885,46
07/12/2022 16 7001 11549,7 3 1001 1701,7
08/12/2022 6 2540 4104,83 2 27 44,08
09/12/2022 8 3462 5578,44 3 2001 3251,62
12/12/2022 2 1001 1591,62 13 2076 3396,83
13/12/2022 1 1 1,66 30 13797 23556,81
14/12/2022 9 6151 10472,25 13 8224 14473,69
15/12/2022 10 3301 5704,78 2 444 799,18
16/12/2022 12 4551 7658,22 2 24 41,05
19/12/2022 5 2001 3391,71 18 8308 14664,31
20/12/2022 13 5042 8823,56 1 1 1,79
21/12/2022 1 1 1,77 8 5021 9138,27
22/12/2022 21 8001 14121,81 1 1 1,81
23/12/2022 6 3025 5233,29 10 4001 7101,77
27/12/2022 4 2017 3519,68 1 1 1,76
28/12/2022 15 6048 10392,48 5 2120 3659,2
29/12/2022 10 2388 4073,66 9 5144 8920,36
30/12/2022 11 4999 8567,95 3 937 1639,75

[1] Gross Merchandise Volume (GMV) is the total amount transactions invoiced, including all taxes. It therefore includes gross online sales, including sales on the Marketplace, other services and other income

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Full and original press release in PDF: https://www.actusnews.com/news/77976-srp-groupe-cp-bilan-semestriel-du-contrat-de-liquidite-en.pdf






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