09 Jan 2023 15:48 CET

Storebrand Bank ASA, close associate of PDMR Einar Leikanger, has sold NOK 439
million of bond ISIN NO0010936917 to Storebrand Boligkreditt AS. The equivalent
outstanding amount will be reduced in VPS.

Please see further details about the transactions in the attached form.

Contact person:
Kjetil Ramberg Krøkje, Group Head of Finance, Strategy and M&A
T: +47 934 12 155

This is information is pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and subject to
the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities
Trading Act.



Storebrand Boligkreditt AS


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

Storebrand Boligkred AS 18/23 FRN COVD, Storebrand Boligkred AS 20/24 FRN COVD, Storebrand Boligkred AS 20/25 FRN COVD, Storebrand Boligkred AS 21/31 FRN COVD, Storebrand Boligkred AS 21/26 FRN C COVD, Storebrand Boligkred AS 22/27 FRN COVD


NO0010813959, NO0010873177, NO0010894199, NO0010936917, NO0011073140, NO0012526211


Oslo Børs