03 Jan 2023 14:59 CET


Sparebanken Vest Boligkreditt

Sparebanken Vest Boligkreditt AS has today issued a new NOK FRN Benchmark
Covered Bond (Premium) maturing March 2028. The bond carries a coupon of 3
months Nibor +48bp and the total outstanding is NOK 5.50 bn. ISIN is

Danske Bank, DNB, Nordea & SEB acted as Joint Lead Managers.

Contact persons:

John Hopp, CEO Sparebanken Vest Boligkreditt, tel: (+47) 450 81 776

Karoline Opstad Strand, COO Sparebanken Vest Boligkreditt, tel: (+47) 481 82 463

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section
5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act


Sparebanken Vest Boligkreditt AS


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

Spb Vest Boligkredit AS 12/27 ADJ COVD, Spb Vest Boligk AS 17/23 FRN STEP COVD, Spb Vest Boligkredit AS 18/28 COVD, Spb Vest Boligkredit AS 18/24 FRN COVD, Spb Vest Boligkredit AS 19/24 COVD, Spb Vest Boligkredit AS 20/25 FRN COVD, Spb Vest Boligkredit AS 21/26 FRN COVD, Spb Vest Boligkreditt AS 22/27 FRN COVD


NO0010634546, NO0010805179, NO0010833387, NO0010835390, NO0010849367, NO0010873805, NO0010985674, NO0012519687


Oslo Børs