02 Jan 2023 11:39 CET


Grieg Seafood ASA

On 30 December 2022 Grieg Seafood ASA (the "Company") announced that its share
buy-back program was completed. The shareholding of the Company stated in such
announcement did not reflect all shares acquired by employees in connection with
the share saving program for employees in 2022. Following the completion of the
share buy-back is program, the Company holds a total of 1,420,913 (not
1,517,981) own shares, representing 1.2525% of the Company's share capital.

Bergen, 2 January 2023.

For enquiries, please contact:

Atle Harald Sandtorv, CFO Cell phone +47 908 45 252

About Grieg Seafood
Grieg Seafood ASA is one of the world's leading salmon farmers. Our farms are in
Finnmark and Rogaland in Norway, and British Columbia as well as Newfoundland in
Canada. Our headquarter is located in Bergen, Norway. Grieg Seafood ASA was
listed at the Oslo Stock Exchange in June 2007. More than 750 people work in the
company throughout our regions.

Sustainable farming practices are the foundation of Grieg Seafood's operations.
The lowest possible environmental impact and the best possible fish welfare is
both an ethical responsibility and drive economic profitability. Towards 2026,
we aim for global growth, cost improvements and to evolve from a pure salmon
supplier to an innovation partner for selected customers.

To learn more, please visit www.griegseafood.com.

This information is publicly disclosed in accordance with section 5-12 of the
Norwegian Securities Trading Act as well as the Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of
the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on market abuse
(market abuse regulation).


Grieg Seafood ASA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

GRIEG SEAFOOD, Grieg Seafood ASA 20/25 FRN


NO0010365521, NO0010885007




Oslo Børs