02 Jan 2023 19:00 CET



DELTA DRONE - Entering into an amendment to the trust agreement

Entering into an amendment to the trust agreement

Dardilly, January 2, 2023 – 7pm

As part of the preparation of the next General Assembly, the Board of Directors met today. Among the subjects dealt with was a technical provision, aimed at ratifying the conclusion of an amendment to the trust agreement.

As a reminder, on September 15, 2022, the Corporation established a management trust (the "Trust") as part of the equitization of simple bonds. The Trust is managed by the management company Equitis Gestion in its capacity as trustee (the "Trustee") under a trust agreement entered on the same day between the Trustee and the Company (the "Trust Agreement").

The recent evolution of the Company's share price makes it necessary to do certain technical adjustments to the terms and conditions of the E warrants in order to enable the Trust to be able to carry out its mission. Thus, in accordance with the delegation of authority conferred on it by the Combined Shareholders' Meeting dated December 27, 2021 under the terms of the 7th resolution to modify the characteristics of the E warrants and to adopt accordingly the amended terms and conditions of the E warrants, the Board of Directors of the Company today authorized the conclusion of an amendment relating to these adjustments concerning the release of the new shares to be issued as part of the exercise of BSAE: (i) in the event that the Exercise Price is higher than the nominal value of the Company's share, the release of the New Shares issued upon exercise of the warrants will take place by offsetting certain claims, liquid and payable, and (ii) in the event that the Exercise Price is lower than the par value of the Company's share, the release of the New Shares issued upon exercise of the E warrants will take place (a) by offsetting against certain, liquid and payable claims up to the Exercise Price, and (b) by incorporation of reserves, profits or premiums of the Company up to the difference between the par value of the Company's share and the Exercise Price.

As a reminder, the exercise price of the E warrants will be equal to 90% of the lowest daily volume-weighted average price of the company's share, observed on trading days during which the holder of E warrants has not sold shares of the company among the fifteen (15) trading days immediately preceding the applicable exercise date, without being less than the minimum issue price of the new shares authorized by the applicable resolution.
The detailed characteristics of the BSAE are published on the Company's website.

About Delta Drone: The Delta Drone Group is a recognized international player in the civil drone sector for professional use. It develops a range of professional solutions based on drone technology as well as all associated services that form a complete value chain.
Delta Drone shares are listed on Euronext Growth Paris – ISIN code: FR0014009LP0
Also listed on Euronext Growth are BSA Y – ISIN code: FR 0013400991
Investor contact:

Jerome Gacoin 
+33 1 75 77 54 65 







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Euronext Growth