13 Dec 2022 17:30 CET


Horisont Energi AS

Sandnes, Norway – 13 December 2022 – Reference is made to the approval by the
Annual General Meeting on 27 May 2022 to authorize the Board of Horisont Energi
(EURONEXT: HRGI) to issue new shares to employees under a long-term incentive
program. The Board has resolved to grant share options to all employees of the
Company. A total of 97,500 share options in the Company have been issued. Each
option, when exercised, carries the right to acquire one share in the Company,
giving employees the right to acquire up to 97,500 shares. The options are
granted without consideration.

For 90,000 of the share options, the exercise price is NOK 42.24, based on a
base price of NOK 38.40 (closing price at the date of grant) multiplied by a
factor of 1.1. For the remaining 7,500 options, the exercise price is NOK 93.0,
based on a base price of NOK 62.0 (closing price at the time of grant August
2022) multiplied with a factor of 1.5.

The vesting period of the share options is 18 months following the date of grant
and the Exercise Period is 24 months, provided the option holder is still an
employee of the Company.

Up until the date of this press release 95,000 previously granted options have
been revoked due to changes in personnel in the Company. Hence, there are
currently 424,000 share options granted, and the Company thus has 74,000 share
options remaining in the share options pool of 500,000 authorised by the Annual
General Meeting.

For further information, please contact:
Bjørgulf Haukelidsæter Eidesen, CEO
+47 990 36 892

Siri Melberg, Head of branding & communication
+47 470 35 718

About Horisont Energi
Horisont Energi (EURONEXT: HRGI) is a Norwegian clean energy company that will
provide clean energy and carbon transport and storage services. The company will
transform gas into cost-leading clean ammonia and hydrogen and offer CO2
transportation and storage solutions using proprietary technology, paving the
way for a low carbon economy. The company was founded in 2019 and is
headquartered in Sandnes, Norway. https://www.horisontenergi.no

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to the
market abuse regulation article 19 and to section 5-12 of the Norwegian
Securities Trading Act.


Horisont Energi AS


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name







Euronext Growth