13 Dec 2022 21:26 CET

Issuer: Boreal Holding AS
ISIN for bond loan: ISIN NO 001 0886872 (FIX)
Original maturity date: 3 October 2025
New maturity date: 29 December 2022

Redemption price: NOK 121,712,843.41

Other information: Reference is made to the stock exchange notice made on 8
December 2022. Please see also attached the call notice.

This information is published in accordance with the requirements of the
Continuing Obligations.

578096_NO0010886872_NO0010831951_Call Notice(10883976.1).pdf


Boreal Holding AS


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

Boreal Holding AS 18/25 FRN FLOOR C, Boreal Holding AS 20/25 3,50% C


NO0010831951, NO0010886872


Nordic Alternative Bond Market