12 Dec 2022 17:40 CET



Libourne - December 6, 2022 - Fermentalg (Euronext - FALG), the French microalgae expert, is accelerating the development of its 2nd product platform, dedicated to a natural and bioactive blue dye (BLUE ORIGINS®) and alternative proteins (KALVEA™), with the support of Bpifrance as part of the "Food needs of Tomorrow" call for projects for a "Sustainable and Health-Friendly Food".

Beyond the partnership with DDW, a subsidiary of the Givaudan Group, for the commercialization of a natural blue food colorant (already in industrial production), Fermentalg pursues the deployment of its Galdieria platform for a wider valorization in the food and nutraceutical fields.

Already at the origin of a natural alternative to chemical dyes in food, the innovative character and the maturity reached by the platform today allow Fermentalg to prepare the industrialization of new functional solutions with high added value addressing new market segments:

- an antioxidant bioactive in nutraceuticals;

- a superfood rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals for the animal nutrition market (petfood, aquafeed) or specialized for specific audiences, such as athletes or seniors.

Microalgal fermentation for a new generation of ingredients

Nutritional, health and wellness benefits are crucial issues in food. Today, they must also be addressed through solutions reducing impacts on biodiversity and climate, and favorable to the preservation of natural ecosystems.

Through its bioindustrial innovations, Fermentalg is resolutely committed to an economic development approach that respects the environment, as the signatory countries of the COP-15[1] have committed to do by 2050. Among the priorities set for the current decade are the preservation of natural and fisheries resources, better traceability, the circular economy and the valorization of co-products, as well as preventive nutrition and the agroecological transition.

To address these challenges, Bpifrance wishes to promote the development of healthier, more sustainable foodstuffs that meet consumer expectations, in particular by reducing or replacing additives and processing aids from petroleum-based chemistry. It also aims to develop new sources of plant proteins produced in our territories to contribute to the food sovereignty of our country.

To support innovations targeting high-growth markets and responding to major societal issues, and in a logic of sovereignty to limit dependence on protein imports, Bpifrance has awarded Fermentalg a €4.4 million grant as part of the 4th Future Investment Program (PIA) of the "France 2030" plan.

On this occasion, Philippe Lavielle, CEO of Fermentalg, declares:"The production of microalgal biomass by fermentation offers a very large field of applications for a more responsible, safer and more functional food. This development is possible with the tremendous commitment of all economic actors and we are very proud to put our expertise in marine biology at the service of this cause, which is essential for the sustainable health of our planet and future generations. Thanks to this support, we will be able to accelerate the development of applications from our second platform and thus continue to expand our product offering."

Next publication: 2022 sales,

January 19, 2023 (after market close)

About Fermentalg

As an expert in research and bioindustrial exploitation of microalgae, Fermentalg's objective is to offer sustainable solutions and innovative products contributing to the development of healthy, natural and efficient products. Our business: the development, production and marketing of sustainable solutions and active ingredients from microalgae for nutrition, health and the environment. Nutritional lipids, alternative proteins, natural food colorings and innovative environmental solutions make up our company's current and future offer.

Fermentalg shares are listed on Euronext Paris (FR0011271600 - FALG) and are eligible for the PEA-PME and the "SRD long-only". It is part of the Gaïa index, designed for Socially Responsible Investment (SRI), which groups together the SMEs with the best ratings in terms of environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance.

For more information: www.fermentalg.com

Journalists contact : Investor contact:
ACTUS finance & communication
phone : +33 (0)1 53 67 36 75
ACTUS finance & communication
Anne-Catherine BONJOUR
phone: +33 (0)1 53 67 36 93

[1] Post-2020 global biodiversity framework

COP-15, 7 to 19 December 2022 (Montreal, Canada)

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Full and original press release in PDF: https://www.actusnews.com/news/77631-fermentalg_cp_food-of-tomorrow_vdef_veng.pdf






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