05 Dec 2022 12:45 CET



Lyon, December 5, 2022

OL Groupe recalls that Eagle Football Holdings LLC[1], controlled by Mr. John Textor, has committed to acquire 39,201,514 shares issued by OL Groupe at a price of €3 per share and 789,824 OSRANEs issued by OL Groupe at a price of €265.57 per OSRANE to its main historical shareholders (Pathé, IDG Capital and Holnest - hereafter designated as the "Sellers"). The share purchase agreement is firm and unconditional; in particular, there are no conditions relating to the financing of the transaction or to third-party consents.

Eagle Football has also undertaken to subscribe, subject to the completion of these acquisitions, to a reserved capital increase of OL Groupe for a total amount of €86 million (the transactions described above are hereafter designated as the "Transaction"). This capital increase has been approved by the shareholders' meeting of July 29, 2022.

As regards the debt of the Olympique Lyonnais group, it is recalled that all the lenders of the Olympique Lyonnais group have given their consent to the transaction ("waivers")[2], effective at closing.

The completion of the Transaction has been postponed several times.

In the press release dated December 2, it was announced that the Sellers and OL Groupe had granted an additional period of time to Eagle Football in order to finalize the various steps allowing it to complete the transactions to which it has committed, and that the Sellers and OL Groupe were expected to decide, on the evening of Sunday, December 4, on the follow-up to the Transaction in light of the progress made in the meantime.

Eagle Football has informed the Sellers today that progress has been made in securing the approvals of all parties, including the approval of the Premier League, to proceed with the transactions and their financing, but that additional time is required.

In view of the progress made in the last 48 hours, the Sellers and OL Groupe have agreed to grant Eagle a final deadline as at December 7, 2022 to reach a final, unconditional and financed agreement with all parties, on the basis of which the closing process can be initiated.

After the expiry of such deadline, the Sellers and OL Groupe will have no other choice than to conclude that it has become unproductive to give Eagle Football additional time to complete the transactions that Eagle has unconditionally undertaken to complete under the terms of the agreements signed on 7 July 2022.

OL Groupe will also consider alternative sources to strengthen its equity, to ensure that it will have solutions available rapidly in the event that the transactions with Eagle Football are not completed[3].


Tel: +33 (0)4 81 07 55 00
Fax: +33 (0)4 81 07 45 65

Email: investisseurs@ol.fr

Euronext Paris - Segment C

Indices: CAC Small – CAC Mid & Small – CAC All-Tradable – CAC All-Share – CAC Consumer Discretionary
ISIN code: FR0010428771
Reuters: OLG.PA
Bloomberg: OLG FP
ICB: 40501030 Recreational services

[1] Directly or through an affiliate (“Eagle Football”).

[2] Subject notably to a partial early repayment of the bank debt amounting approximately to €50 million.

[3] Such search for alternative sources being compliant with the agreements with Eagle.

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Full and original press release in PDF: https://www.actusnews.com/news/77505-olg-051222-accord-avec-eagle-gb.pdf






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