01 Dec 2022 08:45 CET


Europris ASA

Europris ASA is pleased to invite shareholders, investors, analysts, media and
other stakeholders to a Capital Markets Update (CMU).

Date: Thursday 8 December 2022:
Time: 09:00 - 12:30 CET
Location: Hotel Continental, Stortingsgata 24/26, NO-0117 Oslo, Norway

Europris will provide an update on the company's strategy and financial
development, and discuss the market and company outlooks. The half-day event
will include presentations by CEO Espen Eldal, CFO Stina C Byre, Renate
Brattested Spernes, vice president strategy and sustainability, and Andreas
Skalleberg, CEO of Lekekassen.

After the company presentations, Jeroen van Dorp, Head of Consumer Retail Cross
-Market Group EMEA at Goldman Sachs, will give a presentation on international
variety retail perspectives.

There will also be a fireside chat, where a panel will share useful information
about the present state of the retail market in general and discuss specific
challenges and opportunities in the Norwegian retail market with the audience.

Please note that the fireside chat will not be transmitted by webcast.

The panel for the fireside chat will consist of the following members:

· CEO Espen Eldal from Europris
· Renate B Spernes, vice president strategy and sustainability
· Director Harald Jackwitz Andersen from Virke (Confederation of Norwegian
· Partner Britt Ottersdal Myrset from Deloitte
· Private economist Derya Incedursun from Nordea

The panel will be moderated by equity analysts Ole Martin Westgaard from DNB
Markets and Petter Nystrøm from ABG Sundal Collier.

Registration for attendance in person:

Please register by emailing ir@europris.no no later 1 December 2022, providing
your name, company and contact information. Please also indicate if you will
attend the lunch.

Breakfast and registration from 08.30. A lunch will be served after the
conclusion of the programme.

The webcast presentations will be held in English and transferred live via the
company's website at https://investor.europris.no. It will be possible to ask
questions via the webcast. The presentations will be made available for download
at the company's website on the day of the event.

We look forward to welcoming you in Oslo.

For further information, please contact:

Trine Engløkken, IR manager
Telephone: +47 940 50 937
E-mail: ir@europris.no

About Europris:

Europris is Norway's largest discount variety retailer by sales. The company
offers its customers a broad range of quality owned brands and brand-name
merchandise. The company's merchandise is sold through the Europris chain, which
consists of a network of 276 stores throughout Norway, 249 of them directly
owned by the company and 27 operating as franchises. In addition, Europris has a
67 per cent stake in the Lekekassen, Lunehjem, Strikkemekka and Designhandel e
-commerce stores. The group's head office is located in Fredrikstad, Norway.

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5
-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.


Europris ASA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

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Oslo Børs