01 Dec 2022 15:23 CET


Mowi ASA

The Board of Directors of Mowi ASA (the "Company") has resolved to offer all
permanent employees in the Company and its Norwegian, Scottish and Canadian
subsidiaries the opportunity to purchase shares in the Company at a discounted

The offer to employees is based on the average purchasing price for the
Company's shares on 1 December 2022 of NOK 155.3365 per share.

Based on the above, eligible employees were presented with three alternative

* Alternative 1: Purchase 48 shares at a value of approximately NOK 7,500,
with a taxable discount of NOK 1,500 and a purchase price around NOK 6,000.
* Alternative 2: Purchase 96 shares at a value of approximately NOK 15,000,
with a taxable discount of NOK 3,000 and a purchase price around NOK 12,000.
* Alternative 3: Purchase 193 shares at a value of approximately NOK 30,000,
with a taxable discount of NOK 6,000 and a purchase price around NOK 24,000.

At the end of the acceptance period, the Company had received acceptances of
these offers from 970 employees for a total of 175,342 shares. To comply with
its obligation in relation to the acceptances received, the Company has on 1
December 2022 purchased 175,342 shares in the market at an average price of NOK
155.3365. In total 175,342 shares will be sold to the employees having accepted
to participate in the share program on the terms referred to above.

Pursuant to disclosure requirements under the Market Abuse Regulation, attached
is an overview of primary insiders in the Company that have increased their
shareholding according to the above.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section
4-2 and 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

577237_Mowi share attachment 2022.pdf
577237_ESPP MAR combo.pdf


Mowi ASA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

MOWI, Marine Harvest ASA 18/23 FRN EUR C, Mowi ASA 20/25 FRN EUR FLOOR C


NO0003054108, NO0010824006, NO0010874050




Oslo Børs