29 Nov 2022 16:45 CET

Oslo, 29 November 2022

Main events in the period

In July 2022 the Company successfully closed its share offering. The final
number of shares that were subscribed and issued in the Share Issue is
14,357,554 at a subscription price of NOK 1.30 per share, resulting in gross
proceeds of approximately NOK 18.7 million.

Gross production in Q3 2022 increased 1.7% compared with the Q2 of 2022.

The oil prices for Q3 2022 decreased from the previous quarter and were in the
range of USD 82-90/barrel, but the company cost management practices allowed it
to keep up the level of the earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and
amortisation (EBITDA).

The Colombian exploitation field operation was normal, and production has been
in line with per forecasted for this quarter. However other activities continued
to be affected by social opposition which substantiated the request for
additional extensions of contract terms.

In August 2022 the Colombian Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos (ANH) granted an
extension of the LLA-47 exploration license related to the self-isolation
conditions imposed by native communities during the first semester of 2022.  As
a result, the new expiration date for the LLA47 exploration license has been
moved to September 19th, 2023. In turn, on September 8, 2022, the ANH granted an
extensión for the Altair exploration license whereby the new expiration date has
been moved to January 5, 2023.

In Argentina, the Santa Cruz operation experienced some surface issues with the
gas compressor unit in the Oceano field. Fixing the equipment required it to be
stopped impacting the oil and gas sales for the period of the repairment. Field
oil and gas production was restored once the compressor was back running around

In July 2022, the Company timely paid interest due for its Senior Secured
Callable Bond Issue 2015/2026 (ISIN NO0010729908). The amount paid was USD

Subsequent events and current plans
Partially funded by proceeds from the successful equity raise, and in line with
information provided in prospectus, the company continues its efforts to
increase oil and gas production and to improve product marketability, as well as
to fund activities in the Mata Magallanes Oeste (MMO) and La Brea areas. The
potential acquisition of an increased participation in the Santa Cruz
concessions is on hold until further notice.

The Company has been working with the authorities on setting the final terms for
the reopening of Mata Magallanes Oeste (MMO) and Cañadón Ramírez (CR) areas and
an arrangement of the upcoming activities following the reinitiation of
operations in the area.

The pulling rig attached to the Santa Cruz operation has been finally inspected
and certified and is being prepared to trigger the work-over and pulling
campaign in producing wells in Campo Bremen, Chorrillos and Moy Aike fields.

An oil gathering line is being finalized allowing the opening of some isolated
oil-producing wells (Cho-13, Cho-10 and Cho-19), in the Chorrillos blocks aimed
at adding around 40 bopd.

On 16 October, local authorities granted permission to start operations in Bajo
Guanaco Block.  Interoil has contracted the environmental survey required to
identify and quantify any potential surface hydrocarbon residues located within
the block boundaries acreage from previous operations.

Bajo Guanaco - During the last few weeks, a field visit has been conducted for a
visual inspection of the wellheads in CVo.x-2 and OA.x-2, two wells aimed at
being intervened in the coming months.  This inspection has confirmed both wells
have all their surface wellhead valves in acceptable working order and holding
around 3,000 psi of pressure.

Exploration activities continue to suffer social opposition in Colombia.  The
Company has reported this to the ANH requesting the relevant time extensions.
This has not affected production operations in Vikingo.

For more information, please see enclosed Interoil Exploration and Production
ASA's Report for the third quarter of 2022.
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section
5 -12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Please direct any further questions to ir@interoil.no (mailto:ir@interoil.no)

About Interoil
Interoil Exploration and Production ASA is a Norwegian based exploration and
production company - listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange with focus on Latin
America. The Company is operator and license holder of several production and
exploration assets in Colombia and Argentina with headquarter in Oslo.

576955_Q3 2022 Report.pdf


Interoil Exploration and Prod. ASA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name



NO0010284318, NO0013119255




Oslo Børs