21 Nov 2022 15:00 CET


Explorer II AS

Hurtigruten Group will release its Third Quarter 2022 results on Tuesday 29
November 2022. An earnings call followed by Q&A will be hosted by CEO Daniel
Skjeldam and CFO Torleif Ernstsen on Wednesday 30 November at 12:00 CET. A
presentation will be available prior to the earnings call.

To join the conference call please use the link and phone number provided below:

Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer or mobile app

Click here to join the meeting (https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup

Meeting ID: 321 958 271 826
Passcode: KjaTQH

Or call in (audio only)
+47 23 50 04 24,,862956886# Norway, Oslo
+44 20 7660 6791,,862956886# United Kingdom, London
Phone Conference ID: 862 956 886#

For further information, please contact:
Investor Relations team: InvestorRelations@hurtigruten.com


Explorer II AS


Oslo Børs Newspoint

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Explorer II AS 20/25 3,375% EUR C




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