21 Nov 2022 08:00 CET


Equinor ASA

Please see below information about transactions made under the share buy-back
programme for Equinor ASA (OSE:EQNR, NYSE:EQNR).

Date on which the fourth tranche of the share buy-back programme for 2022 was
announced: 28 October 2022.

The duration of the fourth tranche of the buy-back programme for 2022: 31
October to no later than 27 January 2023.

Size of the buy-back programme: Up to 75,000,000 shares, with a maximum total
consideration for the fourth tranche: USD 604,890,000.

From 14 November until 18 November, Equinor ASA has purchased a total of
1,331,595 own shares at the Oslo Stock Exchange at an average price of NOK
352.7705 per share.

Aggregated overview of transactions per day:

Date Aggregated volume Weighted
(number of average share Total transaction value
shares) price (NOK) (NOK)

14 November 321,595 353.3073 113,621,861.14

15 November

16 November 332,000 359.5284 119,363,428.80

17 November 332,000 350.3100 116,302,920.00

18 November 346,000 348.1482 120,459,277.20

Previously disclosed
buy-backs under the
fourth tranche of
the 2022 programme
(accumulated) 3,232,044 380.7907 1,230,732,388.30

Accumulated under
the buy-back
programme fourth
tranche (started 31
October) 4,563,639 372.6149 1,700,479,875.44

Accumulated under
the buy-back
programme first
tranche 2022
(started 9 February) 10,167,981 288.3377 2,931,811,820.22

Accumulated under
the buy-back
programme second
tranche 2022
(started 16 May) 12,515,487 344.1722 4,307,483,267.18

Accumulated under
the buy-back
programme third
tranche 2022
(started 28 July) 16,583,242 367.0952 6,087,629,043.54

Total buy-backs
under the 2022
programme 33,662,368 359.3209 12,095,592,186.16

Following the completion of the above transactions, Equinor ASA owns a total of
44,420,381 own shares, corresponding to 1.40% of Equinor ASA's share capital,
including shares under Equinor's share savings programme.

This is information that Equinor ASA is obliged to make public pursuant to the
EU Market Abuse Regulation and subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant
to Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

A detailed overview of all transactions made under the buy-back programme that
have been carried out during the above-mentioned time period is attached to this
report and available at www.newsweb.no.

Further information from

Investor relations
Mads Holm, senior vice president Treasury & Tax and Investor Relations,
+47 909 55 417

Sissel Rinde, vice president Media Relations,
+ 47 412 60 584

576218_Detailed overview of transactions.pdf
576218_Aggregated overview of transactions.pdf


Equinor ASA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

EQUINOR, Statoil ASA 13/25 4,13%, Statoil ASA 13/33 4,27%


NO0010096985, NO0010689607, NO0010689615




Oslo Børs