21 Nov 2022 13:40 CET


B2 Impact ASA

Please see below information about transactions made under the share buy-back
programme for B2Holding ASA (OSE:B2H).

Date on which the share buy-back programme for 2022 was announced: 27 May 2022.

The duration of the 2022 buy-back programme: 27 May 2022 to 31 December 2022.

Size of the buy-back programme was up to 13,000,000 shares, but maximum total
consideration of NOK 110,000,000.

From 14 November until 18 November 2022, B2Holding ASA purchased a total of
171,324 own shares at the Oslo Stock Exchange at an average price of NOK 8.53
per share.

Date Aggregated Weighted Total
volume average
(no of shares) share price value

14. nov. 83,127 8.51 707,502
15. nov. 88,197 8.55 754,137

Previously disclosed
buy-backs under the
2022 programme
(accumulated) 12,828,676 8.30 106,426,085

Total buy-backs
under the 2022
(accumulated) 13,000,000 8.30 107,887,725

Following the completion of the above transactions, B2Holding ASA owns a total
of 13,000,000 shares, corresponding to 3.24 % of B2Holding ASA's share capital.

This is information that B2Holding is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU
Market Abuse Regulation and subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to
Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

Appendix: A detailed overview of all transactions made under the buy-back
programme that have been carried out during the above-mentioned time period is
attached to this report and available at www.newsweb.no.

For further information, please contact:

Rasmus Hansson
Head of Commercial Strategy and Investor Relations, B2Holding ASA
Mobile: +47 952 55 842
E-mail: rh@b2holding.no

576270_B2H Detailed overview of transactions week 46, 2022.pdf


B2Holding ASA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

B2HOLDING, B2Holding ASA 18/23 FRN EUR C, B2Holding ASA 19/24 FRN EUR FLOOR C


NO0010633951, NO0010822646, NO0010852742




Oslo Børs