15 Nov 2022 07:00 CET


Standard Supply AS

Oslo, Norway, November 15th 2022

Standard Supply AS (Standard Supply, OSE:STSU) reported an EBITDA of USD 4.8
million in the third quarter of 2022, up from USD 0.1 million in the same
quarter in 2021, and a net profit of USD 3.0 million (-1.6 million). The time
charter equivalent earnings were approximately USD 15,600 per day and the
utilization was 96% based on availability. Standard Supply has a solid financial
position and reiterates the market outlook.

“Since the IPO we have nearly doubled our earnings capacity through investing
more than USD 35 million into modern PSV tonnage. These acquisitions have been
done at 50-65% discount to replacement cost, and with the recent improvements in
time charter rates we are seeing payback periods as short as two to three
years,” says Martin Nes, Chairman of the Board of Standard Supply.

Standard Supply reported revenues of USD 9.7 million in the third quarter 2022,
up from USD 2.8 million in the same quarter in 2021, and an EBITDA of USD 4.8
million (0.1 million), following time charter equivalent earnings of USD 15,600
per day and a utilization of 96% based on availability. The company was
incorporated in 2022, and historical figures refers to companies prior to the
capital reorganization. At the end of the third quarter 2022 the company held
cash of USD 25.1 million.

After the closing of the quarter, Standard Supply raised approximately NOK 200
million in a private placement for further growth in the PSV segment. The
offering was significantly oversubscribed.

“In October around 30 term deals were concluded in the North Sea, representing a
three-fold increase from September. This is clearly indicating that charterers
are looking to firm up capacity ahead of the new season. Standard Supply has
fixed out the FS Kristiansand for 1-year in a charter that will generate more
than USD 3 million of EBITDA. Moreover, the Standard Defender has secured a
strong rate of USD 18,500 per day for a winter campaign of approximately 140
days in West Africa, before returning to the North Sea in the spring of 2023.
With the growing rig count in the UK, we remain upbeat about the outlook for the
year ahead,” Nes concludes.

The third quarter report- and presentation is enclosed.


For further information, please contact:
CEO Espen L. Fjermestad at +47 95 20 44 93
Chairman of the Board Martin Nes at +47 92 01 48 14

About Standard Supply | standard-supply.com
Standard Supply owns a fleet of nine platform supply vessels (PSVs); three
large-sized, one medium-sized commencing operations in November 2022 and five
medium-sized PSVs with 51% ownership interest. Standard Supply will actively
seek further growth opportunities and is well positioned to capture improvements
in the market with most of the fleet trading in the spot market. The company has
a clear ambition to return excess cash to its shareholders.

575721_2022 3q Report STSU.pdf
575721_2022 3q Pres STSU.pdf


Standard Supply AS


Oslo Børs Newspoint

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Euronext Growth