15 Nov 2022 06:30 CET


Lerøy Seafood Group ASA


Operating profit before fair value adjustment related to biological assets was
NOK 831 million for Q3 2022, up 44% compared with the same period of 2021.
Strong demand for seafood, including a substantial increase in prices realised
for the Group's main products, is the key reasons for improvement compared to Q3

The Farming segment delivered improved results in the quarter compared to
corresponding quarter last year. Salmon prices have fallen significantly since
the second quarter but are still higher than last year. The harvest volume is in
line with Q3 2021, and inflationary pressure in the economy is affecting cost

The total salmon and trout harvest volume for 2023 is estimated at 202,000 GWT
(including Lerøy's share in Scottish Sea Farms).

"Growth in the Farming segment has been slightly weaker than expected through
the third quarter and at the start of the fourth, and accordingly the outlook
for harvest volume has been reduced by 5,000 GWT for 2022," explains CEO Henning

Earnings in the VAP, Sales & Distribution segment have been negatively impacted
by the extreme development in salmon prices. Earnings gradually improved through
the quarter, and a further margin improvement is expected in Q4.

Results for the Wild Catch segment improved compared with Q3 2021, driven by
high prices and higher catch volumes. Higher bunkering charges are affecting
cost developments.

On 28 September the Norwegian government proposed the introduction of a rent
resource tax for the period during which the salmon are in open cages. With its
fully integrated value chain, Lerøy sees significant weaknesses in the proposal,
which reveals a lack of insight into the industry's complex value chain. The
proposal is already having a severely negative impact on Lerøy's day-to-day
operations, and will have serious long-term consequences for Lerøy and the

Norway has a long tradition of open processes when material changes are to be
made to an industry's framework conditions, including ensuring that concerns
raised by businesses are heard and understood. Open processes guarantee
predictability, stability, trust and, not least, a knowledge and understanding
of the industry affected. The proposal of 28 September breaks with this
tradition. It lacks adequate insight into the industry's dynamic, represents a
breach of trust and is causing great uncertainty. "The consequences are
extremely serious for Lerøy and our employees, and we expect implementation of
the proposal to be delayed to allow time for a thorough consultative process,
followed by discussion and broad compromise in the Storting," says CEO Henning

Queries may be addressed to the CEO, Henning Beltestad, or the CFO, Sjur S.


Lerøy Seafood Group ASA is a global seafood corporation with its head office in
Bergen. The Group's almost 6,000 employees process between 350,000 and 400,000
tonnes of seafood every year via our value chain, corresponding to around 5
million meals every day. The Group has a vertically integrated value chain for
red fish and whitefish, as well as significant activities using third-party

The Group's values - open, honest, responsible and creative - shall underpin
everything we do, and we work hard to achieve our goal of creating the world's
most efficient and sustainable value chain for seafood. The target for return on
capital employed (ROCE) is 18%. The Group has set a number of targets within
sustainability, including cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 46% by 2030.

The Group's activities generate significant ripple effects in Norway. The Lerøy
Group has 3,500 employees across 60 municipalities in Norway. In 2021, we
purchased goods and services worth around NOK 13 billion a year from our 4,500
suppliers, who are spread across almost 300 municipalities along the coast, in
the interior and in eastern Norway. This translates to a total employment effect
of 13,000 persons.

575711_LSG Q3 22 report.pdf
575711_LSG Q3 22 presentation.pdf


Lerøy Seafood Group ASA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

LERØY SEAFOOD GROUP, Leroy Seafood Group ASA 21/26 FRN FLOOR, Leroy Seafood Group ASA 21/27 FRN FLOOR, Leroy Seafood Group ASA 21/31 3.35pct


NO0003096208, NO0011097297, NO0011097305, NO0011097339




Oslo Børs