15 Nov 2022 07:00 CET



ForFarmers N.V.: ForFarmers nominates Theo Spierings as CEO

Lochem, 15 November 2022

ForFarmers nominates Theo Spierings as CEO

The supervisory board of ForFarmers N.V. nominates Theo Spierings as member of the Executive Board of ForFarmers for a period of one year, to be appointed by the general shareholders meeting. An extraordinary general meeting of shareholders (‘EGM’) will be convened for this, which is expected to take place in January 2023. Mr Spierings will start his activities on 1 January 2023 and upon his appointment will hold the position of Chief Executive Officer (‘CEO’).

Theo Spierings (58) has significant experience in the agricultural sector. He started with a study in food technology at the HAS in Den Bosch (the Netherlands) and complemented this with an MBA from Glasgow University. He began his career at Friesland Foods in 1986, where he led the merger with Campina as CEO several years later. Subsequently, from 2011 to 2019, Theo Spierings was CEO of Fonterra, the world player in the dairy industry located in New Zealand. Since then, he is helping companies transform and doing business in a sustainable manner. For this he launched The Purpose Factory. This consultancy firm focuses primarily on sustainably transforming enterprises operating in the agricultural sector.

Jan van Nieuwenhuizen, chairman of the supervisory board of ForFarmers: "We are extremely pleased to nominate Theo Spierings as CEO. He has impressive international experience in the dairy industry as well as great drive and expertise to help the agricultural sector be future proof and at the same time become more environmentally sustainable. During his career he has led many transformations or advised on such processes. His energy and decisiveness and at the same time his focus on making connection with people around him, are characteristic of his way of working. We are of the opinion that Theo Spierings has the experience, expertise and personality to head up ForFarmers in its current phase."

Theo Spierings: "I have always felt very involved with farmers and the agricultural sector, especially now. The agricultural sector is innovative and progressive and it plays an important role in the food chain. Not only in the Netherlands and Europe but certainly also worldwide. It is of great importance to optimise this chain and make it even more sustainable. I therefore look forward to taking on this task and helping to realise this."

The proposed appointment of Theo Spierings relates to the departure of the current CEO.

This press release contains information that qualifies as inside information in the sense of Article 7 paragraph 1 of the EU Market Abuse Regulation.

Note to the editor / For additional information:
Caroline Vogelzang, Director Investor Relations and Communications
T +31 (0)573 288 194 • M +31 (0)6 10 94 91 61 • E: caroline.vogelzang@forfarmers.eu

About ForFarmers N.V.
ForFarmers N.V. is an international organisation that provides complete innovative feed solutions to the (organic) livestock farming industry. With its ‘For the Future of Farming’ mission ForFarmers is committed to the continuity of farming and to a further increasing the sustainability of the agricultural sector.

ForFarmers is the market leader in Europe with annual sales of around 10 million tonnes of animal feed. The company is active in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Poland and the United Kingdom. ForFarmers has approximately 2,500 employees. In 2021 revenue amounted to approximately €2.7 billion.
ForFarmers N.V. is listed on Euronext Amsterdam.

ForFarmers N.V., P.O. Box 91, 7240 AB Lochem, T: +31 (0)573 28 88 00, F: +31 (0)573 28 88 99, info@forfarmers.eu, www.forfarmersgroup.eu

This press release contains forward-looking statements, including those relating to ForFarmers legal obligations in terms of capital and liquidity positions in certain specified scenarios. In addition, forward-looking statements, without limitation, may include such phrases as “intends to”, "expects“, “takes into account”, "is aimed at “, ''plans to”, "estimated" and words with a similar meaning. These statements pertain to or may affect matters in the future, such as ForFarmers future financial results, business plans and current strategies. Forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, which may mean that there could be material differences between actual results and performance and expected future results or performances that are implicitly or explicitly included in the forward-looking statements. Factors that may result in variations on the current expectations or may contribute to the same include but are not limited to: developments in legislation, technology, jurisprudence and regulations, share price fluctuations, legal procedures, investigations by regulatory bodies, the competitive landscape and general economic conditions. These and other factors, risks and uncertainties that may affect any forward-looking statements or the actual results of ForFarmers, are discussed in the last published annual report. The forward-looking statements in this press release are only statements as of the date of this document and ForFarmers accepts no obligation or responsibility with respect to any changes made to the forward-looking statements contained in this document, regardless of whether these pertain to new information, future events or otherwise, unless ForFarmers is legally obliged to do so.


ForFarmers N.V.



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