14 Nov 2022 18:00 CET



Montigny Le Bretonneux, November 14, 2022

DOLFINES, winner of CORIMER for its OHMe project, in a position to contribute effectively to the offshore wind development plan, a national priority

As indicated in the press release issued on 8 November, Jean-Claude Bourdon and Yann Lepoutre, respectively Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and Deputy Chief Executive Officer of DOLFINES, visited Lille at the Assises économiques de la mer, where the projects financed – including that of DOLFINES – were unveiled by Hervé Berville, Secretary of State for the Sea and Carine Tramier, President of CORIMER.

  • Offshore wind power in France and around the world: a major development potential

The objectives set by the French Government of producing 40% of electricity from renewable sources by 2030 and reaching carbon neutrality by 2050 require the accelerated development of offshore wind power, laid and especially floating.

The Ministry of Ecological Transition estimates that in 2050 offshore wind power, laid and floating, could have 50 sites and represent up to 25% of electricity consumption in France. Of this total, which could reach a capacity of 18 GW in 2035 and 40 GW in 2050, the floating technology could represent 35 to 70% according to ADEME, because it has a development potential twice as high as that of the one laid according to the geomorphology of our coasts.

In addition, by 2021, the total number of floating wind projects worldwide doubled from 91 GW to 185 GW and from 130 to 230 projects. The UK remains the leading player to date with a portfolio of 51 projects representing 33 GW, up 43% compared to 2021.

In addition, a newly created alliance between the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) and the Government of Denmark aims to add an annual average of 35 GW over the 2020s and an annual minimum of 70 GW from 2030, for a cumulative total of 2 000 GW by 2050.

  • Reminder of the aid  system put in place by the Government

Since 2018, the Conseil d'orientation de la Recherche et de l'Innovation de la filière des industriels de la mer (CORIMER) has been a forum for State-sector dialogue and for directing projects towards public support schemes as part of the Investments for the Future Programme (PIA), and now via France 2030.

On the basis of this roadmap, CORIMER launches an annual call for expressions of interest (CEI). For the 2021-2022 edition, 8 projects have been selected for funding to date.

DOLFINES is one of the 8 winners for its OHMe telescopic tool.

  • Amount of funding and progress of work

CORIMER offers the winning projects a total aid package of approximately €46 million, i.e. €7 million more than for the previous edition.

DOLFINES started the OHMe project in April 2022, the date of consideration for the financing of the project, with finalization expected in early 2024.

On this basis, the budget submitted to ADEME for investments already committed and still to be committed for the development of the detailed engineering of the OHMe tool amounts to €3.1 million. As the entire amount has been deemed eligible for financial assistance, ADEME will pay DOLFINES the maximum of the allocation capped at 70% of the amount of industrial research costs net of overheads, i.e. €2.1 million (€1.6 million in the form of grants and €0.5 million in the form of repayable advances in the event of commercial success).

The terms of payment will be set during the contracting stage submitted to the decision of the Prime Minister.

  • The OHMe telescopic tool

DOLFINES' OHMe project focuses on the development of a telescopic tool with associated services for the heavy in-situ maintenance of installed and floating offshore wind turbines, changes of blades or nacelle elements.

Thought first for the floating wind turbine, the dimensions of the tool will allow it to be placed on the float itself to make heavy maintenance interventions directly on site. By avoiding towing the unit to the port, it would make it possible to increase the availability of wind turbines. Since the tool is attached to the float, any movement relative to the turbine is very limited, making operations safe and efficient.

In addition, for installed wind power, an already existing market, the solution adaptable to any jack-up barge will also be able, in addition to heavy maintenance, to carry out blade installation operations by freeing up the availability of the largest jack-up platforms for operations requiring their full capacity.

By 2030, DOLFINES estimates that around 2,500 interventions per year would correspond to the market available for OHMe in France and worldwide.


Roland Lescure, Ministre délégué chargé de l'industrie, said : "I warmly congratulate the 8 winning projects of the CORIMER MAI for 2022, which will allow our industries to innovate even more and accelerate the energy transition of the France. Maritime industries are at the heart of the decarbonisation challenges brought about by France 2030, both through the decarbonisation of maritime transport, but also through the production of low-carbon energy. »

Hervé Berville, Secrétaire d'Etat chargé de la mer, said : "The decarbonisation and energy transition of the maritime economy are at the heart of the priorities of the Secretary of State for the Sea. With this €46 million in public support, the Government is stepping up its support for the transition to zero-emission ships and the development of marine renewable energies. »

Jean-Claude Bourdon, Chairman and CEO of DOLFINES, commented: "We are proud of this recognition at the highest level of the complete commitment of DOLFINES' teams to the Energy Transition. We warmly thank ADEME for its financial commitment that will allow our OHMe tool to become a reality. DOLFINES is now positioned as an important contributor to the deployment of the ambitious plan to develop offshore wind farms."

About Dolfines: www.dolfines.com

Founded in 2000, DOLFINES is an independent specialist in engineering and services in the renewable and conventional energy industry. Faced with the challenges of decarbonizing the energy sector and capitalizing on its strong expertise, DOLFINES wants to play a key role in this energy transition by designing and providing innovative services and solutions for the exploitation of renewable energy sources onshore and offshore, above and below sea level. Respecting the highest standards of quality and safety, DOLFINES is labelled an innovative company certified ISO 9001 for its technical assistance, auditing, inspection and engineering activities.

Euronext Growth TM

DOLFINES is listed on Euronext GrowthTM - Code ISIN : FR0014004QZ9 – Mnémo : ALDOL DOLFINES is éligible to PEA-PME

Contacts :

DOLFINES : Delphine Bardelet Guejo, CFO - delphine.bardelet@dolfines.com

ACTIFIN : Loris Daougabel, Media Relations – + 33 (0) 1 56 88 11 16 – ldaougabel@actifin.fr

COMALTO : Jean-François Carminati, Shareholders Relations – + 33 (0) 6 63 87 57 60 - jfcarminati@comalto.com 

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Full and original press release in PDF: https://www.actusnews.com/news/77229-dolfines_pr_ohmelaureate_nov14.pdf





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