11 Nov 2022 18:25 CET


Napatech A/S

(Copenhagen, 11 November 2022) – On 3 June 2022, Napatech A/S (the "Company",
OSE: NAPA) launched a share buyback program as described in the company
announcement of 3 June 2022. According to the program, Napatech A/S will, in the
period until 31 December 2022, buy back its own shares for a maximum of 600,000
shares and a maximum value of up to NOK 12,000,000.

The following transactions have been carried out under the program:

Number of Average
shares purchase
bought back price (NOK) Amount (NOK)
last announcement 261,405 13.15 3,438,346

Number of Average
shares purchase
Day no. Trading day bought back price (NOK) Amount (NOK)
106 07 November 2022 3,010 14.22 42,812
107 08 November 2022 0 - 0
108 09 November 2022 0 - 0
109 10 November 2022 0 - 0
110 11 November 2022 0 - 0

Total accumulated
over week 45/2022 3,010 14.22 42,812

Total accumulated
under the share
buy-back program 264,415 13.17 3,481,158

With the transactions stated above, the Company owns a total of 271,682 shares
as treasury shares, corresponding to 0.33% of the share capital. See the
enclosure for information about the individual transactions made under the share
buyback program.

For additional information, please contact:

Heine Thorsgaard, Chief Financial Officer
Phone: +45 4596 1500
E-mail: htg@napatech.com

The share buyback program is carried out in accordance with the Market Abuse
Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 ("MAR") and Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No
2016/1052 ("Safe Harbour Regulation"). This is information made public by the
Company pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and subject to the disclosure
requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

575581_NAPATECH Buy-back - through week 45 2022.pdf


Napatech A/S


Oslo Børs Newspoint

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