08 Nov 2022 18:00 CET



Solid Q3 growth of 9.4% despite a less favorable market environment

 € million – GAAP
2022(1) 2021 Change %
      Current Like-for-like(2)
1st quarter 193.8 175.6 +10.3% +9.7%
2nd quarter 219.2 199.2 +10.0% +7.7%
3rd quarter 173.7 158.7 +9.4% +6.6%
TOTAL 586.6 533.6 +10.0% +8.1%
Building Materials Trading 317.3 293.8 +8.0% +8.0%
Concrete Industry 104.6 97.3 +7.5% +2.3%
Industrial Joinery 143.6 123.2 +16.5% +12.5%
Other 45.8 40.6 +12.9% +12.9%
Inter-segment eliminations -24.8 -21.4 - -

(1) Unaudited figures.

(2) Restated for the Vitrolles site (formerly Activence) in Industrial Joinery and for Audoin et Fils in Concrete Industry.

Contribution of the three businesses to Q3 2022 growth

In third-quarter 2022, HERIGE maintained a strong growth dynamic despite a complex macroeconomic environment. Turnover reached €173.7 million, an increase of 9.4% (up 6.6% like-for-like). Growth was driven by the Group's three businesses, on the back of a favorable price effect, due to the implementation of performance initiatives, and, to a lesser extent, a favorable volume/product mix effect.

  • Turnover for Building Materials Trading was up 4.9% on the same period in 2021, underpinned by the activity in the public works sector. In Q4, the business should be further boosted by the rollout of the new Self-Service and Tile concepts.
  • The Concrete Industry business, up 11.6% (up 1.6% like-for-like), continued to benefit from a strong commercial performance and resilient markets in Western France.
  • Industrial Joinery expanded by 19.4%, up 14.7% like-for-like. Growth was stimulated by continued strong demand in renovation market distribution channels and for the AM-X product.

Overall, in the first 9 months of 2022, HERIGE recorded turnover of €586.6 million, an increase of 10.0% (up 8.1% like-for-like), with the implementation of a performance strategy for passing on inflationary cost increases.

Outlook and developments

The plan to acquire 100% of the share capital of Poralu Group is being finalized. The transaction is expected to close by the end of 2022 at the latest.

In an environment complicated by Europe's geopolitical situation and energy crisis, the Group is adapting quickly to the consequences of rising interest rates and inflation. Each of the divisions is making constant efforts to find the right balance between volumes and operating profitability. In this uncertain environment, HERIGE remains focused on creating value, by integrating its latest acquisitions, consolidating its performances, rolling out its energy efficiency offers and accelerating its CSR initiatives.

NEXT PUBLICATION: Q4 2022 turnover on February 7, 2023 (after the close of trading)

All our financial communications are available on our website: www.groupe-herige.fr/en

HERIGE Group focuses on three sectors of the building industry: Building Materials Trading, the Concrete Industry and Industrial Joinery. Originally based in the Vendée region, HERIGE currently employs more than 2,500 people and has a strong presence in Western France.

HERIGE is listed on Euronext Growth
PEA/PME eligible
ISIN FR0000066540, Ticker: ALHRG, Reuters ALHRG.PA


Benoît Hennaut – Chairman of the Executive Board
Caroline Lutinier – Head of Group Communication & CSR
Tel.: +33 (0)2 51 08 08 08
E-mail: communication@groupe-herige.fr

ACTUS finance & communication
Corinne Puissant – Analyst/Investor Relations
Tel.: +33 (0)1 53 67 36 77 – E-mail: cpuissant@actus.fr
Anne-Catherine Bonjour – Press Relations
Tel.: +33 (0)1 53 67 36 93 – E-mail: acbonjour@actus.fr

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Full and original press release in PDF: https://www.actusnews.com/news/77146-herige_ca_t3_2022_vdef_vukf.pdf





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