08 Nov 2022 16:23 CET

Storebrand Livsforsikring AS, rated A by S&P, has today issued two new green
subordinated Tier 2 bond issues with floating and fixed-to-floating coupon:

· FRN: NOK 1,250 million, coupon 3 months NIBOR + 3.70% p.a.
· Fixed-to-floating: NOK 750 million, coupon 7.35% p.a. to 17 February 2028

Both issues have settlement date on 17 November 2022, and a tenor of 30.25 years
with a first call option for the issuer on 17 November 2027.

The bond issues will qualify as Tier 2 capital under the European Solvency II
regulatory capital regime for insurers and is expected to be rated BBB+ by S&P.

Both issues will be applied for listing at Oslo Børs, and the issuance has been
approved by the company's general meeting and by the Norwegian FSA

DNB Markets and Nordea acted as joint lead managers.

Oslo, 8 November 2022

For further information, please contact:

Kjetil R. Krøkje, Group Head of Finance, Strategy and M&A, telephone +47 934 12

Nikola Heitmann, Head of Capital Management, telephone +47 416 97 236

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5
-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.


Storebrand Livsforsikring AS


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

Storebrand Liv AS 14/PERP FRN STEP C SUB, Storebrand L AS 17/47 FRN SEK STEP C SUB, Storebrand L AS 18/48 FRN SEK STEP C SUB, Storebrand L AS 19/49 FRN SEK STEP C SUB, Storebrand Livsforsik AS 20/50 FRN C SUB, Storebrand Livsforsik AS 22/52 ADJ C SUB


NO0010706021, NO0010810237, NO0010820285, NO0010863228, NO0010886153, NO0012531740


Oslo Børs