08 Nov 2022 17:40 CET



Regulatory News:

Mercialys (Paris:MERY) has moved up to second place in the overall ranking for the representation of women in management structures on the SBF 120. This progress, following the third place achieved in 2021, reflects Mercialys’ strong commitment to transposing gender equality across all dimensions of the Company.

Launched in 2013 in connection with monitoring the French Copé-Zimmermann Act, the annual ranking for the representation of women in management structures in listed companies, commissioned by the French Ministry of State for Gender Equality and carried out by ConvictionsRH, assessed the commitment by companies from the SBF 120 to supporting the representation of women in their management structures and, more widely, gender equality in the workplace. Specifically, this benchmark aims to measure the percentage of women in management structures and leadership roles, while also taking into account fair pay and efforts to raise awareness and provide training for management structures on parity aspects.

Mercialys’ commitment and achievements in this key area for businesses were praised by Ms Isabelle Rome, French Minister for Gender Equality, Diversity and Equal Opportunities.

Mercialys’ excellent ranking in this benchmark notably reflects the best practices put in place by its governance structures and all of its staff, illustrated by four significant indicators. On the one hand, a Board of Directors that has ensured parity since 2017, while 56% of its current directors are women. On the other hand, the structuring of a Management Committee that has also achieved parity. In 2021, the commitment to fair pay was reflected in a slight gap in favor of women. Lastly, the workplace gender equality index rating came to 92/100 (compared with an average of 86/100).

Mercialys’ actions are aligned with a responsible societal and environmental approach. The Company will continue with its efforts regarding parity, not only in terms of regulatory compliance, illustrating its commitment to respecting best practices, but also in line with a strong conviction led by its employees, managers and directors.

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This press release is available on www.mercialys.com.

About Mercialys
Mercialys is one of France’s leading real estate companies. It is specialized in the holding, management and transformation of retail spaces, anticipating consumer trends, on its own behalf and for third parties. At June 30, 2022, Mercialys had a real estate portfolio valued at Euro 3.1 billion (including transfer taxes). Its portfolio of 2,130 leases represents an annualized rental base of Euro 168.8 million. Mercialys has been listed on the stock market since October 12, 2005 (ticker: MERY) and has “SIIC” real estate investment trust (REIT) tax status. Part of the SBF 120 and Euronext Paris Compartment B, it had 93,886,501 shares outstanding at June 30, 2022.

This press release contains certain forward-looking statements regarding future events, trends, projects or targets. These forward-looking statements are subject to identified and unidentified risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from the results anticipated in the forward-looking statements. Please refer to Mercialys’ Universal Registration Document available at www.mercialys.com for the year ended December 31, 2021 for more details regarding certain factors, risks and uncertainties that could affect Mercialys’ business. Mercialys makes no undertaking in any form to publish updates or adjustments to these forward-looking statements, nor to report new information, new future events or any other circumstances that might cause these statements to be revised.

Analyst and investor contact

Luce-Marie de Fontaines
Tel: +33 (0)6 45 36 22 83

Olivier Pouteau
Tel: +33 (0)6 30 13 27 31





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