08 Nov 2022 15:48 CET


Gram Car Carriers ASA

The extraordinary general meeting of Gram Car Carriers ASA ("GCC") was held
today, 8 November 2022. The minutes from the meeting are attached to this notice
and will be made available on the company's website, https://gramcar.com/.

All items on the agenda were approved, including the distribution of a cash
dividend in the amount of approx. NOK 1.1897 per share (equivalent to approx.
USD 0.11) in total NOK 34.17 million (equivalent to USD 3.26 million). The
dividend is expected to be paid on or about 21 November 2022 to the shareholders
of GCC as of 8 November 2022, as registered in the VPS on 10 November 2022. The
shares will trade exclusive the right to receive dividend from and including 9
November 2022.

The distribution shall constitute a repayment of the company's paid-in capital.

For further information, please contact:

CFO Gunnar S. Koløen

Telephone: +65 9176 6661

E-mail: gunnar.koloen@gramcar.com

Head of Projects Harald Mathias Gram

Telephone: +47 954 10 093

E-mail:  mas.gram@gramcar.com (gunnar.koloen@gramcar.com)

About Gram Car Carriers:

GCC is the world's third-largest tonnage provider within the Pure Car Truck
Carriers (PCTCs) segment with 18 vessels, across the Distribution, Mid-size and
Panamax segments. The Company serves as a trusted provider of high-quality
vessels and logistics solutions ensuring safe, efficient and punctual shipment
of vehicles for a network of clients comprising of major global and regional
PCTC operators.

To lean more, please visit www.gramcar.com.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5
-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act and the Rule Book part II.



Gram Car Carriers ASA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

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