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- Equinor ASA: The Annual General Meeting Approved An Ordinary Dividend of USD 0.20 Per Share and An Extraordinary Dividend of USD 0.20 Per Share For Fourth Quarter 2021
Equinor ASA: The annual general meeting approved an ordinary dividend of USD 0.20 per share and an extraordinary dividend of USD 0.20 per share for fourth quarter 2021
11 May 2022 21:12 CEST
Equinor ASA
On 11 May 2022, the annual general meeting in Equinor ASA (OSE: EQNR, NYSE:
EQNR) approved the annual report and accounts for Equinor ASA and the Equinor
group for 2021, as proposed by the board of directors.
The fourth quarter 2021 dividend accrues to the shareholders as registered in
Equinor's shareholder register with the Norwegian Central Securities Depository
(VPS) as of expiry of 13 May 2022 (the "Record Date"). Subject to ordinary
settlement in VPS, this implies that the right to dividend accrues to
shareholders as of 11 May 2022. For US ADR (American Depository Receipts)
holders, dividend accrues also as of 11 May 2022. The shares will be traded ex-
dividend on the Oslo Stock Exchange (Oslo Børs) from and including 12 May 2022.
The ADRs on New York Stock Exchange will also trade ex-dividend from and
including 12 May 2022. Shareholders whose shares trade on Oslo Børs will receive
their dividend in Norwegian kroner ("NOK"). The NOK dividend will be
communicated on 20 May 2022. The payment date for the dividend in NOK and in USD
under the ADR program is on 27 May 2022.
The general meeting authorised the board of directors to resolve dividend
payments based on the company's approved annual accounts for 2021. The
authorisation is valid until the next annual general meeting, but no later than
30 June 2023.
As part of the implementation of the company's share buy-back program, the
general meeting agreed to the reduction in capital through the cancellation of
own shares and the redemption of shares belonging to the Norwegian government.
The proposal to amend the Article 1 of the Articles of Association, the
company's objects-clause, was adopted.
The general meeting endorsed the company's energy transition plan.
Nine shareholders' proposals were up for voting. The shareholders' supporting
statements and the board's response are available at www.equinor.com/agm. None
of the shareholders' proposals were approved. Reference is made to the enclosed
minutes of meeting.
The general meeting endorsed the board's report on Corporate Governance.
The general meeting endorsed the board of directors' remuneration report for
leading personnel.
Remuneration to the company's external auditor for 2021 was approved.
The nomination committee's proposal of members to Equinor ASA's corporate
assembly, was approved with effect as of 12 May 2022 and until the annual
general meeting in 2024. Please see attached minutes for details.
In accordance with the proposal from the nomination committee, the general
meeting adopted the remuneration to the corporate assembly, effective as of 12
May 2022.
The nomination committee's proposal of members to Equinor ASA's nomination
committee effective as of 12 May 2022 and until the annual general meeting in
2024, was approved. Please see attached minutes for details.
In accordance with the proposal from the nomination committee, the general
meeting adopted the remuneration to the nomination committee, effective as of
12 May 2022.
The general meeting authorised the board on behalf of the company to acquire
Equinor ASA shares in the market in order to continue the company's share-based
incentive plans for employees. The authorisation is valid until 30 June 2023.
The previous authorisation, granted 11 May 2021, shall continue to apply until
this authorisation has been registered in the Register of Business Enterprises.
The general meeting authorised the board on behalf of the company to acquire
Equinor ASA shares in the market. Own shares acquired pursuant to this
authorisation may only be used for annulment through a reduction of the
company's share capital in a later general meeting. The authorisation is valid
until the next annual general meeting, but no later than 30 June 2023.
The general meeting approved that there can be made adjustments to the Marketing
Instruction for Equinor ASA.
Please find enclosed minutes of the annual general meeting.
Contact persons:
Investor relations
Peter Hutton, senior vice president for investor relations,
tel: +44 7881 918 792
Sissel Rinde, vice president, media relations,
tlf: +47 412 60 584
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section
5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act
More information:
Access the news on Oslo Bors NewsWeb site
561893_Minutes from Annual General Meeting in Equinor ASA 11 May 2022.pdf
Equinor ASA
Oslo Børs Newspoint
Company Name
EQUINOR, Statoil ASA 13/25 4,13%, Statoil ASA 13/33 4,27%
NO0010096985, NO0010689607, NO0010689615
Oslo Børs