Displaying 1 - 50 of 162 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
04 Jul 2024
18:14 CEST
EDENRED Half-yearly report relative to the liquidity contract as of June 30, 2024 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Legal
04 Jul 2024
18:14 CEST
EDENRED Bilan semestriel du contrat de liquidité au 30 juin 2024 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Legal
04 Jul 2024
18:06 CEST
EDENRED Disclosure of Share Capital and Voting Rights as of June 30, 2024 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Legal
04 Jul 2024
18:06 CEST
EDENRED Déclaration du nombre d’actions et droits de vote au 30 juin 2024 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Legal
10 Jun 2024
14:34 CEST
EDENRED Disclosure of Share Capital and Voting Rights as of May 31, 2024 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Legal
10 Jun 2024
14:34 CEST
EDENRED Déclaration du nombre d’actions et droits de vote au 31 mai 2024 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Legal
28 May 2024
08:00 CEST
EDENRED Edenred completes the acquisition of Spirii and deploys solution in France and Germany 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
28 May 2024
08:00 CEST
EDENRED Edenred finalise l’acquisition de Spirii et déploie sa solution en France et en Allemagne 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
07 May 2024
17:45 CEST
EDENRED L’Assemblée générale 2024 d’Edenred approuve l’ensemble des résolutions 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Legal
07 May 2024
17:45 CEST
EDENRED Edenred’s 2024 General Meeting approves all resolutions 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Legal
03 May 2024
17:50 CEST
EDENRED Déclaration du nombre d’actions et droits de vote au 30 avril 2024 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Other subject
03 May 2024
17:50 CEST
EDENRED Disclosure of Share Capital and Voting Rights as of April 30, 2024 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Other subject
19 Apr 2024
08:18 CEST
EDENRED Edenred: Mandat de rachat d’actions 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Legal
19 Apr 2024
08:18 CEST
EDENRED Edenred: Share buyback mandate 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Legal
18 Apr 2024
07:03 CEST
EDENRED Edenred : Chiffre d\'affaires T1 2024 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Corporate life
18 Apr 2024
07:03 CEST
EDENRED Edenred : Q1 2024 revenue 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Corporate life
16 Apr 2024
08:00 CEST
EDENRED Mise à disposition des documents préparatoires à l\'Assemblée générale mixte 2024 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Income
16 Apr 2024
08:00 CEST
EDENRED Availability of preparatory documents for the 2024 Combined General Meeting 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Income
04 Apr 2024
16:34 CEST
EDENRED Edenred - Déclaration du nombre d\'actions et de droits de vote au 31 mars 2024 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Other subject
04 Apr 2024
16:34 CEST
EDENRED Edenred - Disclosure of Share Capital and Voting Rights as of March 31, 2024 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Other subject
26 Mar 2024
08:00 CET
EDENRED Edenred et IP Gruppo api signent un partenariat permettant à Edenred d’acquérir la totalité de l’activité « cartes énergie » d’IP et devenir ainsi un leader des services de mobilité B2B en Italie 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
26 Mar 2024
08:00 CET
EDENRED Edenred and IP Gruppo api sign a partnership whereby Edenred will fully acquire IP’s energy cards business and become a leader in B2B Mobility services in Italy 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
24 Mar 2024
22:18 CET
EDENRED Edenred : Communiqué de mise à disposition du Document d\'enregistrement universel 2023 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Income
24 Mar 2024
22:18 CET
EDENRED Edenred: Availability of the 2023 Universal Registration Document 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Income
08 Mar 2024
08:00 CET
EDENRED Edenred announces the launch of a share buyback operation 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Legal
08 Mar 2024
08:00 CET
EDENRED Edenred annonce le lancement d’une opération de rachat d’actions 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Legal
07 Mar 2024
17:06 CET
EDENRED Edenred - Disclosure of Share Capital and Voting Rights as of February 29, 2024 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Other subject
07 Mar 2024
17:06 CET
EDENRED Edenred - Déclaration du nombre d\'actions et de droits de vote au 29 février 2024 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Other subject
27 Feb 2024
07:07 CET
EDENRED Edenred strengthens its Benefits and Engagement portfolio in Brazil with the acquisition of RB, 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
27 Feb 2024
07:07 CET
EDENRED Edenred renforce son portefeuille d’avantages aux salariés au Brésil avec l’acquisition de RB, 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
27 Feb 2024
07:03 CET
EDENRED Edenred étend son offre dans la mobilité électrique avec l\'acquisition de Spirii 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
27 Feb 2024
07:03 CET
EDENRED Edenred accelerates in eMobility with the acquisition of Spirii 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
27 Feb 2024
07:00 CET
EDENRED Edenred : Résultats annuels 2023 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Income
27 Feb 2024
07:00 CET
EDENRED Edenred: 2023 annual results 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Income
21 Feb 2024
13:36 CET
EDENRED Communiqué Edenred 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Legal
21 Feb 2024
13:36 CET
EDENRED Edenred statement 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Legal
14 Feb 2024
15:10 CET
EDENRED Edenred – Annule et remplace - Déclaration du nombre d\'actions et de droits de vote au 31 janvier 2024 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Other subject
14 Feb 2024
15:10 CET
EDENRED Edenred – cancel and replace - Disclosure of Share Capital and Voting Rights as of January 31, 2024 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Other subject
06 Feb 2024
11:26 CET
EDENRED Edenred - Déclaration du nombre d\'actions et de droits de vote au 31 janvier 2024 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Other subject
06 Feb 2024
11:26 CET
EDENRED Edenred - Disclosure of Share Capital and Voting Rights as of January 31, 2024 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Other subject
09 Jan 2024
15:12 CET
EDENRED Edenred: Half-yearly report relative to the liquidity contract as of December 31, 2023 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Other subject
09 Jan 2024
15:12 CET
EDENRED Edenred : Bilan semestriel du contrat de liquidité au 31 décembre 2023 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Other subject
04 Jan 2024
11:55 CET
EDENRED Edenred - Disclosure of Share Capital and Voting Rights as of December 31, 2023 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Other subject
04 Jan 2024
11:55 CET
EDENRED Edenred - Déclaration du nombre d\'actions et de droits de vote au 31 décembre 2023 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Other subject
19 Dec 2023
18:35 CET
EDENRED Appointment to Edenred’s Executive Committee 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Legal
19 Dec 2023
18:35 CET
EDENRED Nomination au sein du Comité exécutif d’Edenred 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Legal
07 Dec 2023
15:51 CET
EDENRED Edenred - Déclaration du nombre d\'actions et de droits de vote au 30 novembre 2023 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Other subject
07 Dec 2023
15:51 CET
EDENRED Edenred - Disclosure of Share Capital and Voting Rights as of November 30, 2023 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Other subject
09 Nov 2023
15:37 CET
EDENRED Edenred - Déclaration du nombre d\'actions et de droits de vote au 31 octobre 2023 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Other subject
09 Nov 2023
15:37 CET
EDENRED Edenred - Disclosure of Share Capital and Voting Rights as of October 31, 2023 50205015 Transaction Processing Services Other subject