
The objects for which the Company is established are:
a) To carry on a business of a holding company in all its branches and to co-ordinate the policy and administration of any subsidiary company or companies or of any group of companies of which the Company or any subsidiary company is a member or which are in manner controlled by the Company.
b) To specialize in developing a broad array of state-of-art energy electric advanced saving devices. To research, develop, manufacture, sell, repair and otherwise deal in marketing of related high technologies and patent protected products, equipments, hardwares and accessories of all kinds for use in connection with florescent lamps, street lamp, air conditioners, industrial sewing machines, injection molding machines and oil pumps and providing related technologies consulting services. To carry on the business of an Investment and Holding Company and to undertake and to transact all kinds of investment and agency business.
etc ...
Cotation directe
- Cédant : EUFINASIA LIMITED - Nombre de titres cédés : 20 000 - Prix de cession : 8,33 euros Les ordres de vente autres que celui du cédant, EUFINASIA LIMITED, ne seront pas acceptés.
Première cession sur le Marché Libre des actions de la société CHINA SUPER POWER SAVING HOLDING LIMITED.
- Date de la première cession : 25 février 2008 - Début des négociations : 26 février 2008