Number of voting rights and shares as of March 30, 2018

10 Apr 2018 17:45 CEST

Company Name





Euronext Growth



Total number of voting rights and shares



Information concerning the total number of voting rights and shares, provided pursuant to article L. 233-8 II of the Code de commerce (the French Commercial Code) and article 222-16 of the Règlement Général de l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers (Regulation of the French stock market authority).



Total number of shares

Number of existing voting rights (GROSS)

Number of existing voting rights (NET)


 85, 599, 556*

87, 270, 325

86, 691, 680

* including 2,212,480 new shares resulting from the conversion of the convertible bonds
 issued on November 22, 2017 and the exercise of the BSAR granted on November 24, 2017
 to all shareholders and 8,864,131 new shares resulting from the conversion
 of the convertible bonds issued on February 2017 and 590,000 shares 
resulting from the use of the 2nd tranche of the equity financing line contracted
 with Kepler Cheuvreux on November 20, 2014.


About Neovacs

Listed on Euronext Growth since 2010, Neovacs is today a leading biotechnology company focused on an active immunotherapy technology platform (Kinoids) with applications in autoimmune and/or inflammatory diseases. On the basis of the company’s proprietary technology for inducing a polyclonal immune response (covered by 4 patent families that potentially run until 2032) Neovacs is focusing its clinical development efforts on IFNα-Kinoid, an immunotherapy being developed for the indication of lupus and dermatomyositis. Neovacs is also conducting preclinical development works on other therapeutic vaccines in the fields of auto-immune diseases, oncology, allergies and Type 1 diabetes. The goal of the Kinoid approach is to enable patients to have access to safe treatments with efficacy that is sustained in these life-long diseases.

For more information on Neovacs, visit


NEOVACS – Investor Relations

Charlène Masson

+33 (0)1 53 10 93 00


Investor Relations / Financial Communications – Life Science Advisors

Chris Maggos





