CARBIOS confirms its eligibility to the French PEA-PME investment regime

06 Apr 2018 18:00 CEST

Company Name





Euronext Growth



CARBIOS confirms its eligibility to the French PEA-PME investment regime

Clermont-Ferrand, France, 06 April 2018 (6:00 PM CEST) – CARBIOS (Euronext Growth Paris: ALCRB), pioneer company in the field of bioplasturgy, confirms its eligibility to the French PEA-PME investment regime (a savings plan in shares that fosters investment in small and mid-cap companies) on the basis of the annual accounts approved as of December 31, 2016.

This eligibility is in compliance with Decree n° 2014-283 of March 4, 2014, established for the application of article 70 of French law n° 2013‐12786, dated December 29, 2013 for 2014. This decree establishes the eligibility criteria for companies to the PEA-PME regime as follows:

  • The company employs fewer than 5,000 people, and
  • Its annual revenue is less than €1.5 billion, or its total assets are less than €2 billion.

CARBIOS’ shares, can therefore be included within PEA-PME accounts which, for the record, benefit from the same tax advantages as traditional PEA accounts.

In accordance with the 2013 Amending Finance Law n° 2013-1279 article 13, it is recalled that since January 1st, 2014, neither the redeemable stock warrants (“BSAR”) nor the shares received on exercise of these warrants can be included in a PEA or a PEA-PME.


CARBIOS is a green chemistry company whose innovations provide solutions to the environmental and sustainable development issues that manufacturers currently face. Since its founding in 2011, the company has developed two industrial-scale biological processes for the biological breakdown and recycling of polymers. These unique innovations help optimise the performance and life cycle of plastics and textiles by capitalizing on the properties of specially selected enzymes. CARBIOS’s economic growth model is based on the industrial roll-out and sale of its products, enzymes, technologies and biological processes through direct licence agreements or joint ventures, to major players in the fields to whom they would most benefit. To that end, CARBIOS founded the joint venture CARIOLICE in 2016, in partnership with Limagrain Céréales Ingrédients and the fund SPI, run by Bpifrance. This company, in which CARBIOS holds a controlling share, will market the first technology licensed by CARBIOS by producing enzyme pellets used in the production of biodegradable and bio-sourced plastics. Since its founding, CARBIOS has been backed by Truffle Capital, a European investment capital player. CARBIOS qualifies as an “Innovative Company” according to Bpifrance, which makes the company’s shares eligible for inclusion in innovation-focused mutual funds (FCPIs).  For more information, please visit:

CARBIOS is eligible for the PEA-PME, a government program allowing French residents investing in SMEs to benefit from income tax rebates.

This press release does not constitute and cannot be regarded as constituting an offer to the public, an offer to sell or a subscription offer or as a solicitation to solicit a buy or sell order in any country.



Benjamin Audebert

Investor Relations

+33 4 73 86 51 76


Alize RP

Caroline Carmagnol / Wendy Rigal

Press relations

+33 1 44 54 36 63 / +33 6 48 82 18 94




