Viser 751 - 800 av 2322 resultater
Tid Selskap Tittel Sektor Kategori
17 Sep 2024
13:46 CEST
Storebrand Livsforsikring AS Rentefastsettelse - Renteregulering
17 Sep 2024
13:46 CEST
Vegamot AS Rentefastsettelse - Renteregulering
17 Sep 2024
13:34 CEST
ROMERIKE SPAREBANK Nytt grønt obligasjonsrammeverk for Romerike Sparebank - Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
17 Sep 2024
13:30 CEST
AF GRUPPEN Rehabilitates and expands office building in Oslo 50101010 Construction Non-regulatory press releases
17 Sep 2024
13:30 CEST
AF GRUPPEN Rehabiliterer og utvider kontorbygg i Oslo 50101010 Construction Ikke-informasjonspliktige pressemeldinger
17 Sep 2024
12:47 CEST
GOLDEN OCEAN GROUP Shareholder Disclosure Notification 50206030 Marine Transportation Major shareholding notifications
17 Sep 2024
12:10 CEST
PHOTOCURE Cevira (APL-1702): Photocure Partner Asieris Unveils Efficacy Data of Non-Surgical Treatment of Cervical HSIL at the 2024 PDT&PD Conference 20103015 Pharmaceuticals Non-regulatory press releases
17 Sep 2024
11:36 CEST
Stadshypotek AB (publ) Oslo Børs – Stadshypotek AB - Mottatt søknad om notering av obligasjonslån - Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
17 Sep 2024
11:36 CEST
Stadshypotek AB (publ) Oslo Børs – Stadshypotek AB - Received application for listing of bonds - Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
17 Sep 2024
11:30 CEST
Equinor ASA Equinor ASA: Buy-back of shares to share programmes for employees 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Acquisition or disposal of the issuer’s own shares
17 Sep 2024
11:30 CEST
Equinor ASA Equinor ASA: Kjøp av aksjer til aksjeprogram for ansatte 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Utsteders meldeplikt ved handel i egne aksjer
17 Sep 2024
11:04 CEST
REFUELS N.V. ReFuels N.V. announces AGM results 65102020 Gas Distribution Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
17 Sep 2024
11:00 CEST
GAMING INNOVATION GROUP GiG publishes investor presentation regarding the proposed distribution of GiG Platform 40501020 Casinos and Gambling Non-regulatory press releases
17 Sep 2024
11:00 CEST
LIFECARE ASA Minutes from Extraordinary General Meeting 20103010 Biotechnology Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
17 Sep 2024
10:15 CEST
PROXIMAR SEAFOOD AS Proximar Seafood AS: An additional JPY 1 billion (approx. NOK 75 million) in bank loan facilities signed 45102010 Farming, Fishing, Ranching and Plantations Ikke-informasjonspliktige pressemeldinger
17 Sep 2024
10:05 CEST
Sparebanken Sør Sparebanken Sør: Contemplating issuance of Additional Tier 1 bonds 30101010 Banks Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
17 Sep 2024
10:05 CEST
Sparebanken Sør Sparebanken Sør: Vurderer utstedelse av fondsobligasjon 30101010 Banks Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
17 Sep 2024
09:59 CEST
VÅR ENERGI ASA Vår Energi preparing for Johan Castberg start-up 60101015 Offshore Drilling and Other Services Non-regulatory press releases
17 Sep 2024
09:29 CEST
NEXT BIOMETRICS GROUP NEXT Biometrics Group ASA – Registration of new share capital following exercise of options 10102015 Electronic Components Total number of voting rights and capital
17 Sep 2024
09:11 CEST
ROMERIKE SPAREBANK Romerike Sparebank – call ansvarlig lån NO0010865405 (ROMER29 PRO) - Endringer i rettighetene til aksjer / verdipapirer
17 Sep 2024
09:09 CEST
CRAYON GROUP HOLDING Crayon Group Holding ASA - Approval of prospectus for listing of new senior unsecured bonds 10101010 Computer Services Prospectus / admission document
17 Sep 2024
08:46 CEST
BLACK SEA PROPERTY Black Sea Property AS: Ex. right to participate in Rights Issue today 40202010 Home Construction Ex Date
17 Sep 2024
08:30 CEST
5TH PLANET GAMES 23-2024 Experience the Ultimate Festival of Fandom in Funko Fusion, Available Now on PlayStation®5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC 40203045 Toys Non-regulatory press releases
17 Sep 2024
08:22 CEST
HOEGH AUTOLINERS ASA Notification of Major Holdings 50206030 Marine Transportation Major shareholding notifications
17 Sep 2024
08:15 CEST
Aker Horizons ASA Aker Horizons ASA: Lars P. Sørvaag Sperre appointed new CEO; Kristian Røkke proposed nominated as Chairman 65101010 Alternative Electricity Inside information
17 Sep 2024
08:00 CEST
2020 BULKERS 2020 Bulkers Ltd. (2020) - Ex dividend US$0.17 today 50206030 Marine Transportation Ex Date
17 Sep 2024
08:00 CEST
Equinor ASA Equinor ASA: Share buy-back 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Acquisition or disposal of the issuer’s own shares
17 Sep 2024
08:00 CEST
Equinor ASA Equinor ASA: Tilbakekjøp av egne aksjer 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Utsteders meldeplikt ved handel i egne aksjer
17 Sep 2024
08:00 CEST
Å Energi AS Å Energi establish a new loan with the Nordic Investment Bank - Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
17 Sep 2024
08:00 CEST
Å Energi AS Å Energi tar opp nytt lån fra Den Nordiske Investeringsbank - Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
17 Sep 2024
07:55 CEST
HYNION AS Hynion AS releases half-year report for 2024 60102010 Alternative Fuels Half yearly financial reports and audit reports/limited reviews
17 Sep 2024
07:45 CEST
Equinor ASA Equinor ASA: Kjøp av aksjer til aksjeprogram for ansatte 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Utsteders meldeplikt ved handel i egne aksjer
17 Sep 2024
07:45 CEST
Equinor ASA Equinor ASA: Buy-back of shares to share programmes for employees 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Acquisition or disposal of the issuer’s own shares
17 Sep 2024
07:30 CEST
ENVIPCO HOLDING N.V. Resignation of board member 50202030 Electronic Equipment: Pollution Control Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
17 Sep 2024
07:30 CEST
ENSURGE MICROPOWER ASA Ensurge ships sample batteries to the U.S. Department of Energy 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Non-regulatory press releases
17 Sep 2024
07:30 CEST
ENVIPCO HOLDING N.V. Resignation of board member 50202030 Electronic Equipment: Pollution Control Other subject
17 Sep 2024
07:11 CEST
ENDÚR Endúr ASA - Notification of trades, week 37 2024 50203000 Diversified Industrials Acquisition or disposal of the issuer’s own shares
17 Sep 2024
07:07 CEST
Sparebank 68 grader nord Innføring av massemarked 30101010 Banks Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
17 Sep 2024
07:00 CEST
MPC CONTAINER SHIPS MPCC: Ex-dividend USD 0.10 today (Q2 2024) 50206030 Marine Transportation Ex Date
17 Sep 2024
07:00 CEST
IDEX BIOMETRICS IDEX - Ex. påfølgende emisjon (reparasjonsemisjon) i dag 17. sept 2024 50202020 Electronic Equipment: Control and Filter Eks.dato
17 Sep 2024
07:00 CEST
IDEX BIOMETRICS IDEX - Ex. subsequent offering (repair issue) today 17 Sep 2024 50202020 Electronic Equipment: Control and Filter Ex Date
17 Sep 2024
07:00 CEST
Link Mobility Group Holding LINK Mobility - Transactions made under new Company share repurchase program 10101015 Software Acquisition or disposal of the issuer’s own shares
17 Sep 2024
00:29 CEST
IDEX BIOMETRICS IDEX - Key information relating to possible subsequent offering (repair offering) Sep 2024 50202020 Electronic Equipment: Control and Filter Total number of voting rights and capital
17 Sep 2024
00:17 CEST
IDEX BIOMETRICS IDEX Biometrics ASA: Private placement of NOK 70 million successfully placed 50202020 Electronic Equipment: Control and Filter Inside information
16 Sep 2024
21:58 CEST
AURORA EIENDOM AS Aurora Eiendom AS – mandatory notification of trade 35101010 Real Estate Holding and Development Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders
16 Sep 2024
21:24 CEST
EAM SOLAR AS EAM Solar AS: Forslag til vedtak på selskapets ekstraordinære generalforsamling 23. september 30202000 Diversified Financial Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
16 Sep 2024
21:16 CEST
VOW Vow ASA: Notification of trade - primary insider 50204000 Machinery: Industrial Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders
16 Sep 2024
21:05 CEST
Teekay LNG Partners L.P. 20/25 FRN FLOOR SEAPEAK LLC DECLARES DISTRIBUTIONS ON SERIES A AND B PREFERRED UNITS - Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
16 Sep 2024
19:45 CEST
Schibsted ASA Schibsted ASA (SCHA/SCHB) - Repurchase of own shares 10101020 Consumer Digital Services Acquisition or disposal of the issuer’s own shares
16 Sep 2024
19:16 CEST
ORKLA ASA Orkla ASA - Utvidelse av sertifikatlån (ISIN NO0013315283) 45102020 Food Products Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon