Displaying 101 - 140 of 140 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
23 Dec 2022
18:31 CET
BIC BIC finalise son programme de rachat d'actions à composante ESG et annule les actions 45201030 Nondurable Household Products Other subject
23 Dec 2022
18:31 CET
BIC BIC Completes Its Esg Impact Share Buyback Program and Cancels Shares 45201030 Nondurable Household Products Other subject
27 Oct 2022
17:40 CEST
BIC BIC: RÉSULTATS DU TROISIEME TRIMESTRE ET DES 9 PREMIERS MOIS 2022 45201030 Nondurable Household Products Other subject
27 Oct 2022
17:40 CEST
BIC BIC: THIRD QUARTER & NINE MONTHS 2022 RESULTS 45201030 Nondurable Household Products Other subject
06 Sep 2022
08:30 CEST
BIC BIC: Closing of AMI (Advanced Magnetic Interaction) acquisition 45201030 Nondurable Household Products Other subject
06 Sep 2022
08:30 CEST
BIC BIC: Finalisation de l’acquisition d’AMI (Advanced Magnetic Interaction) 45201030 Nondurable Household Products Other subject
10 Aug 2022
18:10 CEST
BIC BIC-Acquisition of AMI_10AUG22 45201030 Nondurable Household Products Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
10 Aug 2022
18:10 CEST
BIC BIC-Acquisition d'AMI-10 Août 2022 45201030 Nondurable Household Products Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
04 Aug 2022
10:28 CEST
BIC BIC: RELEASE AND AVAILABILITY OF THE 2022 HALF-YEAR FINANCIAL REPORT 45201030 Nondurable Household Products Other subject
04 Aug 2022
10:28 CEST
BIC BIC : MISE À DISPOSITION DU RAPPORT FINANCIER SEMESTRIEL 2022 45201030 Nondurable Household Products Other subject
02 Aug 2022
17:40 CEST
BIC BIC: SECOND QUARTER & FIRST HALF 2022 RESULTS 45201030 Nondurable Household Products Sales
02 Aug 2022
17:40 CEST
BIC BIC : RÉSULTATS DU SECOND TRIMESTRE ET DU PREMIER SEMESTRE 2022 45201030 Nondurable Household Products Sales
21 Jun 2022
08:47 CEST
BIC BIC ESG distinctions 21JUN22 45201030 Nondurable Household Products Corporate life
21 Jun 2022
08:47 CEST
BIC BIC Distinctions ESG 21Juin22 45201030 Nondurable Household Products Corporate life
13 Jun 2022
18:10 CEST
BIC BIC- Déclaration du nombre total de droits de vote et du nombre d’actions composant le capital au 31 mai 2022 45201030 Nondurable Household Products Other subject
13 Jun 2022
18:10 CEST
BIC BIC - Disclosure of total number of voting rights and number of shares forming the capital as of May 31, 2022   45201030 Nondurable Household Products Other subject
19 May 2022
17:40 CEST
BIC BIC ANNONCE SES OBJECTIFS DE RÉDUCTION DES GAZ A EFFETS DE SERRE (GES) 45201030 Nondurable Household Products Other subject
19 May 2022
17:40 CEST
BIC BIC ANNOUNCES GREENHOUSE GAS (GHG) EMISSION REDUCTION TARGETS 45201030 Nondurable Household Products Other subject
18 May 2022
18:28 CEST
BIC BIC : Assemblée Générale Mixte et Conseil d’Administration de SOCIÉTÉ BIC du 18 mai 2022 45201030 Nondurable Household Products General meeting / Board Meeting
18 May 2022
18:28 CEST
BIC BIC: May 18, 2022 SOCIÉTÉ BIC Annual General Meeting and Board of Directors 45201030 Nondurable Household Products General meeting / Board Meeting
26 Apr 2022
17:54 CEST
BIC BIC : RESULTATS DU PREMIER TRIMESTRE 2022 45201030 Nondurable Household Products Sales
26 Apr 2022
17:54 CEST
BIC BIC: FIRST QUARTER 2022 RESULTS 45201030 Nondurable Household Products Sales
25 Mar 2022
17:50 CET
BIC BIC: Release of BIC's 2021 Universal Registration Document 45201030 Nondurable Household Products Other subject
25 Mar 2022
17:50 CET
BIC BIC : Mise à disposition du Document d’Enregistrement Universel 2021 45201030 Nondurable Household Products Other subject
15 Feb 2022
17:40 CET
BIC BIC: FULL YEAR 2021 RESULTS 45201030 Nondurable Household Products Sales
15 Feb 2022
17:40 CET
BIC BIC : RESULTATS 2021 45201030 Nondurable Household Products Sales
01 Feb 2022
17:50 CET
BIC BIC: Closing of Inkbox acquisition     45201030 Nondurable Household Products Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
01 Feb 2022
17:50 CET
BIC BIC: FINALISATION DE L’ACQUISITION D’INKBOX 45201030 Nondurable Household Products Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
21 Jan 2022
18:24 CET
BIC BIC LAUNCHES ITS SECOND ESG SHARE BUYBACK PROGRAM   45201030 Nondurable Household Products Other subject
21 Jan 2022
18:24 CET
18 Jan 2022
07:23 CET
BIC BIC : ACQUISITION DE INKBOX, LA MARQUE DE TATOUAGES SEMI-PERMANENTS DE RÉFÉRENCE 45201030 Nondurable Household Products Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
18 Jan 2022
07:23 CET
BIC BIC: ACQUISITION OF INKBOX, THE LEADING BRAND OF HIGH QUALITY SEMI-PERMANENT TATTOOS 45201030 Nondurable Household Products Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
10 Dec 2021
08:00 CET
BIC BIC : REDUCTION DU CAPITAL ET ANNULATION D’ACTIONS   45201030 Nondurable Household Products Change in Capital
10 Dec 2021
08:00 CET
BIC BIC: Capital Decrease and Cancellation of Shares 45201030 Nondurable Household Products Change in Capital
19 Nov 2021
08:00 CET
BIC BIC : Nikos Koumettis proposé au poste d’Administrateur Indépendant et futur Président non-exécutif du Conseil d’Administration 45201030 Nondurable Household Products Other subject
19 Nov 2021
08:00 CET
BIC BIC: Nikos Koumettis nominated for election to BIC's Board of Directors, and upcoming Non-Executive Chair of the Board 45201030 Nondurable Household Products Other subject
03 Nov 2021
18:00 CET
BIC BIC COMPLETES ITS ESG IMPACT SHARE BUYBACK PROGRAM 45201030 Nondurable Household Products Other subject
03 Nov 2021
18:00 CET
BIC BIC FINALISE SON PROGRAMME DE RACHAT D’ACTIONS À IMPACT ESG 45201030 Nondurable Household Products Other subject
26 Oct 2021
17:40 CEST
BIC BIC: THIRD QUARTER & NINE MONTHS 2021 RESULTS 45201030 Nondurable Household Products Sales
26 Oct 2021
17:40 CEST
BIC BIC : RÉSULTATS DU 3ème TRIMESTRE ET DES 9 PREMIERS MOIS 2021 45201030 Nondurable Household Products Sales