Euronext Amsterdam
NL0013654783 - Stock

AEX 0,09% EUR / USD -0,02% EUR / GBP 0,03% AMX -0,30%

Dernier cours traité
24/03/2025 - 17:35  CET
Depuis ouverture
-0,05 (-0,11%)
Depuis veille
+0,10 (+0,23%)
Achat 43,36
Vente 43,63
24/03/2025 - 17:40  CET


Indicator Unit 2023 2022 2021
Scope 1 GHG emissions (CO2 eq) Ton 14 011 13 806 13 713
Scope 2 GHG emissions (CO2 eq) Ton 9 848
Scope 1 + 2 GHG emissions (CO2 eq) Ton 23 561
Scope 3 GHG emissions (CO2 eq) Ton 1 673 903 5 982 4 651
Total GHG emissions (CO2 eq) Ton 28 212
Carbon footprint (total GHG emissions / enterprise value) Ton / Million (USD) 0,22
GHG intensity (total GHG emissions / revenue) Ton / Million (USD) 4,11
Total energy consumption MWh 89 171 94 795 91 036
Share of non-renewable energy consumption and production % 79,8
Energy intensity (total energy consumption / revenue) MWh / Million (USD) 16,31 19,16 13,26
Total water consumption cubic meter 202
Water consumption ratio (Volume / Revenue) cubic meter / Million (USD) 0,03


Indicator Unit 2023 2022 2021
Headcount at year-end unit 21 048 22 634 30 413
Average annual headcount unit 21 046 21 540
Share of women in total workforce % 44,1 42,9 41,8
Average training hours per employee unit 10,6
Board gender diversity (female board members / total board members) % 40 37,5 31,3
Number of board members unit 15 16 16
Number of female board members unit 6 6 5
Board independence rate % 80 75 75


Indicator Unit 2023 2022 2021
Annual revenue Million (USD) 5 467 4 947 6 866
Enterprise value at fiscal year-end Million (USD) 180 560 108 018 128 339
Taxonomy-eligible turnover % 2,9 0,7 0
Taxonomy-aligned turnover % 0,9 0
Taxonomy-eligible CapEx % 6,4 0,4 2
Taxonomy-aligned Capex % 5,6 0
Taxonomy-eligible OpEx % 26,8 0 0,1
Taxonomy-aligned OpEx % 14,3 0