The Euronext Retail Partnership is an initiative designed to connect retail investors with the world of finance and investments. Through strategic partnerships, we offer content, tools, and resources that help everyone – from beginners to experienced investors – better understand financial markets and investment opportunities.
This initiative aims to foster widespread financial literacy and make access to investment tools simpler and more transparent. Additionally, it seeks to create a community between Euronext partners and the retail audience, facilitating knowledge sharing and growth opportunities within the financial sector.
As a Euronext Retail Partner, you will have access to a dedicated native online advertising space where you can publish your retail initiatives or promote your products, establishing a direct and highly visible connection with the retail audience.
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Why are retail investors so important?
Building towards the capital market union
The European Commission (EC) has announced its intention to develop a European strategy for retail investments.
With the 2020 announcement of the action plan for Capital Markets Union, now known as the Savings and Investments Union, the Commission has said it will provide a strategy for retail investments in Europe, and help retail investors achieve better investment outcomes.
In particular, the EC identified some problems that prevent retail investors from taking full advantage of capital markets:
- Retail investors have difficulties accessing relevant, comparable and easily understandable investment product information that can help them make informed investment choices
- Retail investors are exposed to unrealistic marketing information through digital channels and misleading marketing practices, which can influence poor investment decisions
What is the Euronext Retail Partnership?
A new format, a renewed commitment to retail investors
The Euronext Retail Partnership is an initiative designed for the retail audience, aligned with evolving industry trends:
- Increasing reliance on digital communication, whilst preserving physical interaction
- Diversified audiences: moving from exclusively sophisticated traders to a new, mixed audience, which includes a new generation entering the markets as well as financial promoters.
Euronext retail partnership
Becoming a part of Retail Partnership offers the opportunity to:
- Be part of a vibrant community of retail-focused intermediaries (brokers, issuers)
- Transform a one-off event into an ongoing partnership that offers greater flexibility
Overall Highlights
- Move from "pure trading" to a broader "investment" focus
- Importance of maintaining a focus on the final customer
- Despite the loss of the physical Expo’s appeal for educational purposes, the physical presence remains essential
- Maximum flexibility in the event format (fully digital, fully physical or hybrid) based on your needs
- Possibility to organise a seminar in Borsa Italiana’s premises and other group locations, in order to meet with your retail targets in person
- Annual “wrap up” event with all Partners, open to a retail audience
- Possibility to leverage on Borsa Italiana and Euronext Group websites
- Branded mini-sites fully dedicated to the partner on our websites
Retail partnership: synthetic overview
Retail Partnership
Information & Training
Thematic seminar organised by partners and supported by Euronext
Visibility through our websites
Branded mini-sites fully dedicated to the client on our websites
Annual “wrap up” event with all partners, open to retail audience
Extended Target
Move from "pure trading" to a broader "investment" focus
Retail Partner Label
Partners can use the label to promote their participation at the partnership and their commitment to retail
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Key Pillars
Retail Partnership: KEY PILLARS
The partnership will leverage 3 key pillars:
Digital (adv / website) + Web streaming
Digital (adv) + Web streaming + Seminar
Digital (adv) + Seminars at the Group's locations
These three pillars will be offered as packages as well as single modules, in order for each participant to build an “ad-hoc” service that meets their budget and needs.
Digital (adv / website)
Visibility through the websites
Minisite co-branding
Construction of a mini -site entirely dedicated to the partner, indexed on the search engine of our websites (include editorial, publi -editorial, streaming, video content...)
Contextual form of online advertising on Borsa Italiana and Euronext Group websites that hybridises and camouflages content and advertising messages within the editorial context in which they are placed, presenting advertising as a natural continuation of editorial content
Sponsorship of a client event or product promotion through a rotating banner
DEM (direct email marketing)
1 DEM sending to the 300,000 registered users of the Borsa Italiana website
Physical (seminar in palazzo mezzanotte)
A seminar at Borsa Italiana’s premises (Palazzo Mezzanotte) Face-to-face teaching /education for retail targets
The Partner will have the opportunity to organise a retail focused seminar in Borsa Italiana’s premises
The event will be fully organised by the Partner, who defines content, speakers and format (subject to Borsa Italiana agreement on content)
Web streaming
Streaming from our location
Streamed remotely
Streaming from Milan studios
All broadcasted events by Company Webcast will include:
- Maximum number of participants: up to 1,000
- Registration of participants (name, company, email etc)
- Landing page and/or iframe code for embedding in other websites
- Super accessible: view on any device
- DVR: rewind and pause during the live broadcast
- Instant replay: webcast available on-demand immediately
- Webcast archived online for 1 year – with indexing/chapter divisions
- Recording MP4 file
- Dedicated project manager - TEST and on-site support
- Management report & analytics
Retail Partner Label
The Label is given to course participants by Retail Partnership – Euronext Group. It constitutes a formal recognition of a specific competence and is issued following certain assessments.
Partners can use the label to promote their participation at the partnership and their commitment to retail.
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