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    Euronext's transformation

    From the first 17th century marketplace to providing tomorrow's sustainable growth products, Euronext has been financing the real economy for over 400 years.

    Over 20 years ago, Euronext’s…

    #News & Insights
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    Fixed Income Trading

    Fabrizio Testa, Head of Fixed Income Trading at Euronext shares his views with The Desk on European fixed income and how the company plans to support the market with a harmonised offering and…

    #News & Insights
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    Launch of Euronext Tech Leaders

    Launch of the Euronext Tech Leaders at Scale-Up Europe on 8 February 2022: building an inter-connected financial ecosystem to finance high-growth Tech champions

    Roundtable with…

    #News & Insights
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    Transforming the European post-trade industry

    On 9 November 2021, Euronext announced that the Group’s four CSDs would now operate under the name Euronext Securities, with the ambition of pan-Europeanising and scaling up the business. In this…

    #News & Insights