Ticker CompanyUnsorted SurnameUnsorted First nameUnsorted Title Unsorted PositionUnsorted
EQVA Eqva ASA Kjerpeseth Trygve Daglig leder i datterselskap
EQVA Eqva ASA Markhus Kari Styremedlem, ansatterepresentant
EQVA Eqva ASA Matre Ellingsen Even CEO
EQVA Eqva ASA Molvik Daniel Head of Strategy and Business Development
EQVA Eqva ASA Skarveland Rune Styreleder
EQVA Eqva ASA Skarveland Trond Styremedlem
EQVA Eqva ASA Sørdahl Petter CFO
EQVA Eqva ASA Thorkildsen Tore Styremedlem
EQVA Eqva ASA W?sierski Tomasz Styremedlem, ansatterepresentant
BKK50 PRO, EVINY02 PRO, EVINY03 PRO, BKK51 PRO, BKK48 PRO ESG, BKK49 PRO ESG, BKK53 PRO, BKK52 PRO, EVINY01 PRO ESG Eviny AS Aadland Kristin konserndirektør
BKK50 PRO, EVINY02 PRO, EVINY03 PRO, BKK51 PRO, BKK48 PRO ESG, BKK49 PRO ESG, BKK53 PRO, BKK52 PRO, EVINY01 PRO ESG Eviny AS Amundsen Malin varamedlem
BKK50 PRO, EVINY02 PRO, EVINY03 PRO, BKK51 PRO, BKK48 PRO ESG, BKK49 PRO ESG, BKK53 PRO, BKK52 PRO, EVINY01 PRO ESG Eviny AS Andenæs Arvid observatør
BKK50 PRO, EVINY02 PRO, EVINY03 PRO, BKK51 PRO, BKK48 PRO ESG, BKK49 PRO ESG, BKK53 PRO, BKK52 PRO, EVINY01 PRO ESG Eviny AS Bildøy Morten styremedlem
BKK50 PRO, EVINY02 PRO, EVINY03 PRO, BKK51 PRO, BKK48 PRO ESG, BKK49 PRO ESG, BKK53 PRO, BKK52 PRO, EVINY01 PRO ESG Eviny AS Bjørkly Silja varamedlem
BKK50 PRO, EVINY02 PRO, EVINY03 PRO, BKK51 PRO, BKK48 PRO ESG, BKK49 PRO ESG, BKK53 PRO, BKK52 PRO, EVINY01 PRO ESG Eviny AS Bjørnsen Kamilla varamedlem
BKK50 PRO, EVINY02 PRO, EVINY03 PRO, BKK51 PRO, BKK48 PRO ESG, BKK49 PRO ESG, BKK53 PRO, BKK52 PRO, EVINY01 PRO ESG Eviny AS Dobson Johannes Konserndirektør Stab
BKK50 PRO, EVINY02 PRO, EVINY03 PRO, BKK51 PRO, BKK48 PRO ESG, BKK49 PRO ESG, BKK53 PRO, BKK52 PRO, EVINY01 PRO ESG Eviny AS Flateland Eivind varamedlem
BKK50 PRO, EVINY02 PRO, EVINY03 PRO, BKK51 PRO, BKK48 PRO ESG, BKK49 PRO ESG, BKK53 PRO, BKK52 PRO, EVINY01 PRO ESG Eviny AS Follevåg Joakim varamedlem
BKK50 PRO, EVINY02 PRO, EVINY03 PRO, BKK51 PRO, BKK48 PRO ESG, BKK49 PRO ESG, BKK53 PRO, BKK52 PRO, EVINY01 PRO ESG Eviny AS Fresvik Ragnhild Konsernsjef
BKK50 PRO, EVINY02 PRO, EVINY03 PRO, BKK51 PRO, BKK48 PRO ESG, BKK49 PRO ESG, BKK53 PRO, BKK52 PRO, EVINY01 PRO ESG Eviny AS Grundt Asbjørn styremedlem