Displaying 401 - 450 of 81592 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
11 Jun 2024
17:38 CEST
Tysvær Kommune Tysvær kommune - emisjon av sertifikat - Endringer i rettighetene til aksjer / verdipapirer
11 Jun 2024
17:04 CEST
Steinkjerbygg Kf Årsrapport 2023 Steinkjerbygg KF - Årsrapporter og revisjonsberetninger
11 Jun 2024
16:53 CEST
Frogn kommune Oslo Børs – Frogn kommune - Received application for listing of bonds - Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
11 Jun 2024
16:53 CEST
Frogn kommune Oslo Børs – Frogn kommune - Mottatt søknad om notering av obligasjonslån - Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
11 Jun 2024
16:16 CEST
OBOS Boligkreditt AS OBOS Boligkreditt AS: Kapitalforhøyelse - Kapital- og stemmerettsendringer
11 Jun 2024
16:13 CEST
PGS NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR HOLDINGS 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Major shareholding notifications
11 Jun 2024
15:25 CEST
Eidsiva Energi AS Eidsiva Energi AS; Contemplating NOK green bond issuance - Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
11 Jun 2024
15:25 CEST
Eidsiva Energi AS Eidsiva Energi AS; Mulig utstedelse av grønne obligasjoner - Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
11 Jun 2024
15:21 CEST
SpareBank 1 Østlandet SpareBank 1 Østlandet (SPOL): Vellykket utstedelse av nytt fondsobligasjonslån 30101010 Banks Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
11 Jun 2024
15:21 CEST
SpareBank 1 Østlandet SpareBank 1 Østlandet (SPOL): Successful issuance of Additional Tier 1 bond 30101010 Banks Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
11 Jun 2024
15:20 CEST
NORDIC UNMANNED ASA Nordic Unmanned ASA - Minutes from Extraordinary General Meeting 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
11 Jun 2024
15:17 CEST
NORDIC TECHNOLOGY GROUP AS Capital Markets Day NTG 12 June 2024 50203000 Diversified Industrials Non-regulatory press releases
11 Jun 2024
15:06 CEST
Lillehammer Kommune Emisjon av sertifikat - Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
11 Jun 2024
14:50 CEST
Storebrand ASA Storebrand ASA - Vellykket utstedelse av senior usikret obligasjonslån 30301010 Life Insurance Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
11 Jun 2024
14:50 CEST
Storebrand ASA Storebrand ASA - Successful placement of senior unsecured bonds 30301010 Life Insurance Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
11 Jun 2024
14:45 CEST
Yara International ASA Yara International: Successful placement of new bonds 55201015 Fertilizers Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
11 Jun 2024
14:31 CEST
GOLDEN OCEAN GROUP Shareholder Disclosure Notification 50206030 Marine Transportation Major shareholding notifications
11 Jun 2024
14:01 CEST
Mutares SE & Co. K 23/27 FRN EUR FLOOR C Fourth exit in 2024: Mutares has successfully sold Balcke-Dürr Nuklear Service GmbH to Cyclife Germany GmbH, a company of EDF Group 30202010 Asset Managers and Custodians Non-regulatory press releases
11 Jun 2024
13:47 CEST
Instabank ASA Instabank ASA sells non-performing loans in Norway 30101010 Banks Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
11 Jun 2024
13:08 CEST
Melhus Sparebank Ny rente 30101010 Banks Renteregulering
11 Jun 2024
12:59 CEST
Selbu Sparebank Rentefastsettelse - Renteregulering
11 Jun 2024
12:59 CEST
KISTEFOS AS Rentefastsettelse - Renteregulering
11 Jun 2024
12:59 CEST
Telenor ASA Rentefastsettelse 15102015 Telecommunications Services Renteregulering
11 Jun 2024
12:59 CEST
SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt Rentefastsettelse - Renteregulering
11 Jun 2024
12:59 CEST
Sparebanken Vest Rentefastsettelse 30101010 Banks Renteregulering
11 Jun 2024
12:58 CEST
SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt Rentefastsettelse - Renteregulering
11 Jun 2024
12:58 CEST
Pareto Bank ASA Rentefastsettelse 30101010 Banks Renteregulering
11 Jun 2024
12:58 CEST
BN Bank ASA Rentefastsettelse - Renteregulering
11 Jun 2024
12:58 CEST
ARGEO AS Argeo AS: Key information relating to reverse share split and change of ISIN 50101015 Engineering and Contracting Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
11 Jun 2024
12:58 CEST
Sparebanken Sør Rentefastsettelse 30101010 Banks Renteregulering
11 Jun 2024
12:58 CEST
Sparebanken Sør Rentefastsettelse 30101010 Banks Renteregulering
11 Jun 2024
12:58 CEST
Romsdal Sparebank Rentefastsettelse 30101010 Banks Renteregulering
11 Jun 2024
12:58 CEST
Kongsberg Kommune Rentefastsettelse - Renteregulering
11 Jun 2024
12:58 CEST
Sunndal Sparebank Rentefastsettelse - Renteregulering
11 Jun 2024
12:58 CEST
Grue Sparebank Rentefastsettelse - Renteregulering
11 Jun 2024
12:58 CEST
Høland og Setskog Sparebank Rentefastsettelse 30101010 Banks Renteregulering
11 Jun 2024
12:58 CEST
OBOS Boligkreditt AS Rentefastsettelse - Renteregulering
11 Jun 2024
12:58 CEST
Eidsvoll kommune Rentefastsettelse - Renteregulering
11 Jun 2024
12:58 CEST
Stadsbygd Sparebank Rentefastsettelse - Renteregulering
11 Jun 2024
12:58 CEST
Kvinesdal Sparebank Rentefastsettelse - Renteregulering
11 Jun 2024
12:58 CEST
Tysnes Sparebank Rentefastsettelse - Renteregulering
11 Jun 2024
12:58 CEST
Totens Sparebank Rentefastsettelse 30101010 Banks Renteregulering
11 Jun 2024
12:57 CEST
Lea bank ASA Lea bank ASA - Swedish banking license granted 30101010 Banks Inside information
11 Jun 2024
12:17 CEST
ARGEO AS Argeo AS: Key information relating to reverse share split and change of ISIN 50101015 Engineering and Contracting Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
11 Jun 2024
12:13 CEST
ARGEO AS Argeo AS: New share capital registered 50101015 Engineering and Contracting Services Total number of voting rights and capital
11 Jun 2024
12:00 CEST
CLOUDBERRY CLEAN ENERGY ASA Cloudberry Clean Energy ASA | Completed share capital increase and share capital decrease with cancellation of treasury shares 65101010 Alternative Electricity Total number of voting rights and capital
11 Jun 2024
10:06 CEST
WPU - WASTE PLASTIC UPCYCLING A/S WPU - Exercise of warrants by primary insider 65103035 Waste and Disposal Services Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders
11 Jun 2024
10:00 CEST
VOW Vow ASA: Cruise special investor seminar - presentation material 50204000 Machinery: Industrial Non-regulatory press releases
11 Jun 2024
10:00 CEST
ENERGEIA AS Energeia AS: Innkalling til ordinær generalforsamling 60102010 Alternative Fuels Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
11 Jun 2024
09:54 CEST
Inin Group AS ININ Group share buyback program status 50202030 Electronic Equipment: Pollution Control Acquisition or disposal of the issuer’s own shares